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这是个可原谅的错误。This is an excusable mistake.

但在和他们对抗中,又觉得他们情有可原!But how excusable he feels it even while holding out against it!

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被迫行为作为一种可宽恕的辩护事由,有其科学合理之处。As a defensive matter that is excusable , the duress has its own rationality.

如果说我们没有驱赶他,在这个上面我们有错,但是这也是一个情有可原。If we do not have to drive him, we have at the above mistake, but this is an excusable.

最能被原谅的父母就是那些试图在下一代中改正自己错误的父母。The most excusable parents are those who try to correct their own faults in their offspring.

如果说民族自豪感历来无可非议和情有可原If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs,not from power or riches

圣诞节无疑情有可原,就像上午十一时喝酒而没人质疑你的性能力一样。Christmas is just about excusable , as it's okay to drink Baileys at 11am without anyone questioning your sexuality.

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我们若是这样做,那是可以原谅的一种贪婪,因为磨难是种财富,几乎没有人拥有足够的磨难。Truly it were an excusable covetousness if we did, for affliction is a treasure, and scarce any man hath enough of it.

要是说在家里做些滑稽的举动可以获得包涵,但在表面这样做的话他人就会感受并不值得传颂了。Doing silly things at home are excusable but doing them outside where there are other people isn't really that laudable.

如果说在家里做些滑稽的行为可以得到原谅,但在外面这样做的话他人就会觉得并不值得称赞了。Doing silly things at home are excusable but doing them outside where there are other people isn’t really that laudable.

阿森纳球迷这样当然是不对的,但我想说的是,阿德进球的时候,没有哪个枪迷会想到闹事。What the Arsenal fans is not excusable but what I must say is that no fan was about to start a riot once the ball hit the net.

我一直对自己说,假如前一晚我不知不觉醒了24次,那么第二天说些刻薄的牢骚话是可以原谅的。Caustic grumbles are excusable when I know my sleep was unconsciously interrupted 24 times overnight. Or so I keep telling myself.

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但是,主张建立在行为人疾病基础上实施的每一个犯罪行为都是可原谅的观点有一个最终的定论。There is, however, one final version of the claim that every criminal action is excusable on grounds of the sickness of the actor.

其实,足协内部“躲”谢亚龙现象的出现是情有可原的。Actually, in the soccer association hides the Xie Yalong phenomenon appearance is the excusable or pardonable under the circumstances.

并且这种定论在疾病的种类内真的包括了所有的犯罪行为除了可以原谅的行为。And this version does succeed in bringing all the remaining instances of criminality, not otherwise excusable , within the category of sickness.

如果这仅仅是一个技术问题,尚可理解,但如果对该研究的紧迫性和重要性缺乏重视,则不可原谅。It would be understandable if it was just a matter of technology, but the lack of attention paid to the urgency and importance of such research is not excusable.

现在房地产市场的价格将渐渐理性回归,加大对房地产的投资也是情有可原。Now real estate market's price the rational return, will enlarge to the real estate investment also will be an excusable or pardonable under the circumstances gradually.

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加拿大总理说,他的政府”相信”没有证据证明被告犯罪,似乎于是就可以怎样怎样,说什么、做什么都情有可原了。The Canadian Prime Minister says his government "believes" there to be no evidence proving the accused's guilt, so it seems this makes everything they say and do excusable.

他万万没有料到,他这样干对他恰恰是不利的,它使安妮当即想起了他那些最不可饶恕的行径。He little surmised that it was a subject acting now exactly against his interest, bringing immediately to her thoughts all those parts of his conduct which were least excusable.

他不怕吃苦,也没有一般洋车夫的可以原谅而不便效法的恶习,他的聪明和努力都足以使他的志愿成为事实。Xiangzi was not afraid of hardships, nor did he have the excusable but deplorable bad habits of most other pullets. He was clever and hard working enough to make his dream come true.