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什么是转按揭是一个明智的选择,你呢?What is a refinance mortgage and is it a wise choice for you?

在今年乃至下年银行业都有大量的泡沫时期产生的负债要清理。Banks have lots of bubble-era debt to refinance this year and next.

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它们没有多少动力对商业房地产贷款进行转按揭。They have little motivation to refinance commercial real-estate loans.

希腊在4月份需要100亿欧元为债务进行再融资,并支付利息。Athens needs €10bn to refinance debt and meet interest payments in April.

由于失业,许多人无法再次申请抵押贷款Lots of people could not refinance their mortgages because they were unemployed.

你去跟银行讲,由于现在的处境,我想再申请已到期的抵押贷款You go to a bank and say, I want to borrow to refinance my mortgage, which is due now.

首次购房者比比皆是,许多其他拥有房屋者则对他们现有的抵押贷款进行再融资。First-time buyers abounded, and many others clamored to refinance their existing mortgages.

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希腊、西班牙和葡萄牙本周毫无争议地筹集资金为他们的债务再融资。Greece, Spain and Portugal raised cash to refinance their debts without a hassle this week.

数十年低按揭利率使家庭融资保持了较低的利率。Mortgage ratesat multi-decade lows are allowing households to refinance debts at lower rates.

布兰卡说,遗产管理小组将利用迄今获得的一部分收入来偿还债务。Mr. Branca said the estate will use some of the money generated so far to refinance the debt.

你可能得到一笔奖金,一笔贷款和抵押获得批准,或者你亩田的贷款获得再融资。You may be given a bonus, be approved a loan or mortgage, or refinance your present mortgage.

在高利差的情况下,我们仍然显示了我们能筹资还债。“Despite the high spreads, we have shown that we can refinance our debt,” says Mr Papathanassiou.

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如果您有支付项目而需要为你家再筹款,你可以扣除超出你新的借款的部分税款。If you have to pay points to refinance your home, you can deduct them over the life of your new loan.

为业主的按揭贷款进行再融资的机构将从政府那得到相应的财政补贴。Lenders who help people to refinance their mortgages will receive matching subsidies from the government.

它间接地,向那些无法重新申请抵押贷款的人,提供贷款It started offering, indirectly, but started offering mortgages to all these people who couldn't refinance.

我的转按揭及抵押单车是基于丰厚的一笔本金每6-10个月。Refinance my mortgage and Mortgage cycling is based on making huge lump sum principal payments every 6-10 months.

可调整利率贷款清零的前景正在迫近,因为很多贷款资不抵债,再融资的选择有限。Resets on adjustable-rate loans are looming, with limited refinance options because many of the loans are underwater.

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奥巴马上个星期推出的计划鼓励陷入困境的房主办理利率比原来贷款更低的转按揭项目。Unveiled last week, the Obama plan encourages struggling homeowners to refinance their mortgages at a lower interest rate.

所以售后返租并不会加重公司债务负担,而是一个减轻债务的方法。So the sale-leaseback would not add to the debt of the company, but rather is a way to refinance some of our existing debt.

盖特纳表示,约有300万个家庭能够为其贷款寻求再融资,掌握利率下滑的优势.Geithner said some three million families have been able to refinance their mortgages, taking advantage of lower interest rates.