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该案件已提交上级法院裁决。The case was referred to a higher court for adjudication.

如何提高法官的审判业务素质?How to improve a judge's professional quality of adjudication?

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“叔向断狱”是古史记载中的一则典型案例。An adjudication of shuxiang" was a typical case in ancient history of China."

对仲裁裁决无异议的,当事人必须履行。The parties involved must implement the adjudication if no objections are raised.

裁判者在判断诉讼证据价值上的自由裁量权一直是客观存在的。The power of free adjudication externally exists in judge' s valuation of evidence.

法律假言推理是诉讼活动中的重要推理。The legal hypothesis reasoning is an important reasoning in the process of adjudication.

守经和行权是古典司法的两种基本样态。Conforming and balancing are two basic law applying patterns of Chinese classical Adjudication.

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仲裁裁决应为终极裁决,对双方均存在束缚力。The adjudication accolade shall be final and has acknowledged bounden armament to both abandon.

马锡五审判方式在民事审判的实践和立法中历经起伏。Ma Xiwu adjudication methods have experienced vicissitudes in civil trial practice and legislation.

在今天的英格兰和威尔士,这涵盖了立法过程、司法判决,可能还有习惯。In England and Wales today this covers the process of legislation, adjudication and possibly custom.

预断排除规则是诉讼制度中保障公正审判的一个重要规则。The rule of prejudice exclusion is an important rule in procedural system to safeguard just adjudication.

评议会人员对申诉进行审理,将可能合理的申诉按照评议会的程序交付裁决。Council staff screens complaints and submits those of potential merit for adjudication under council procedures.

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逐步实现司法审判和检察同司法行政事务相分离。We should gradually separate their judicial adjudication and procuratorial work from their administrative affairs.

审判制度是一个国家政治制度的重要部分,也是一个国家法律体系的重要构成。Adjudication system is a important part of national political system, is also a system of state law important form.

那我国的审判监督程序是否就是大陆法系国家的再审制度呢?。Does the adjudication supervision procedure of our country belong to the retrial systems of continental law system?

本人同意主办机构及评选团所作之一切决定为最后裁决。I agree that all decisions made by the organisers and the adjudication panel are final and binding in all respects.

而法律上的重婚须经法院宣告才能确定该婚姻自始不发生婚姻效力。In the case of legal bigamy, however, the marriage is ascertained to be invalid only after the court's adjudication.

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比例原则完全贯穿于刑事拘留的立法和司法当中。The proportion principle is adopted in the whole process of the legislation and adjudication of the criminal detention.

这些误识源于原苏联的民事诉讼国家干预理论和传统的审判理念。The source of it is the state intervention theory and the adjudication principle from the Former USSR in civil procedure.

中级人民法院监督辖区内基层人民法院的审判工作。He intermediate people's courts supervise the adjudication of primary people's courts under their respective jurisdiction.