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怀疑我?Doubt me?

我很怀疑I doubt it.

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我深表怀疑。I doubt it.

我们很怀疑。We doubt it.

但我对此表示怀疑。But I doubt that.

我表示怀疑。I expressed doubt.

分析你的怀疑。Analyze your doubt.

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那是毫无疑问的。No doubt about that.

他不太相信地哼了一声。He humphed his doubt.

怀疑让你做坏事?When in doubt do nowt.

可是我的爱永没有改变。But never doubt I love.

我怀疑他是否诚实。I doubt if he's honest.

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办手续要用的,你知道吧。I doubt you don't know.

因此,尚存在著一个怀疑。A doubt exists therefore.

奥菲利娅你还不相信我吗?OPHELEA Do you doubt that?

个别人怀疑自己的智商。Two others doubt their IQ.

他的罪孽是毫无疑问的。His guilt was not in doubt.

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毫无疑问是基尔加丹。Kil'jaeden without a doubt.

这无疑是十分荒谬的。No doubt it is very absurd.

这点毫无疑问There's no doubt about that.