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如何鉴定它一直是争论的焦点,是啮齿类异或灵长类?Is it a rodent? A primate?

方法用ELTON夹夜法对鼠密度进行调查。Methods Investigating the rodent density by ELTON.

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米老鼠开始是又丑又小的噬齿动物。Mickey Mouse starts off as an ugly, little rodent.

这种林鼠的垃圾堆可以在自然界保留超过4万年。These rodent trash heaps can last up to 40000 years.

研究人员观察到一只鸟把一只啮齿动物钉在一棵仙人掌上。Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus.

河狸是一种大啮齿目动物,以它们的技巧和精力而闻名。Beavers are a large rodent noted for their skill and energy.

一名头戴高帽身穿燕尾服的男士举起一只大型齧齿动物。A man dressed in a top hat and tuxedo holds up a large rodent.

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北美洲西部侵扰鼠洞的牛蛇。Bull snake of western north america that invades rodent burrows.

它是一只长耳跳鼠,并且这也是这种稀有啮齿动物首次影象。It's a long –eared jerboa, and this is the first-ever video rare rodent.

鼠疫在许多啮齿类动物的许多栖息地流行。Plague is endemic in a variety of rodent species in a range of habitats.

对第一群,他建造了一个面积200平方英尺的啮齿动物天堂,它就叫做”l老鼠乐园“。For the first, he built a 200-square-foot rodent paradise called Rat Park.

1997年,田鼠在鼠类群落中占绝对优势。Absolute dominant species was M. brandti in rodent community during 1970-1997.

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方法笼日法捕鼠、采集鼠体表寄生虫。Methods To catch rodents with cage and collect the ectoparasites of the rodent.

夏季,啮齿动物数量大增,鹬鸵生存艰难。During summer, Kiwi birds have a tough time surviving the rodent population boom.

经典的实验是将啮齿动物放在一个只有4摄氏度的寒冷空间。The classical experiment is placing a rodent in a cold room at 4 degrees Celsius.

蜱类群落中,全沟硬蜱为不同鼠种体外蜱类群落的优势种。In tick communities, Ixodes persulcatus are dominant species for all rodent hosts.

这项发现是基于对一种小型啮齿动物——草原田鼠的研究。Their study was conducted in the prairie vole, a small rodent that mates for life.

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科学家今天揭露,史上体型最大的啮齿类动物重约一到两吨。The largest rodent that ever lived weighed a ton or two, scientists revealed today.

本文报告30例蚕蚀性角膜溃疡的病理形态。In this paper, the patho-morphology of 30 cases of corneal rodent ulcer is described.

树鼩与许多囓齿类,受支配个体的发育会停滞在青春期之前。In tree shrews and many rodent species, puberty is delayed in the subordinate animals.