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重新组织自己面临的状况。Reframe the situation.

你将如何重新定义它们?How could you reframe them?

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积极思考来重塑自己对工作的看法。Use positive thinking to reframe your thoughts about your job.

你必须对形势有新的认识,这样它才不会成为一种威胁,而是转变为一种机遇。You have to reframe the situation so it ceases to be a threat and becomes an opportunity.

因此,要像处理大问题一样去解决那些小问题,否则它们会扼杀你所有前进的动力。Reframe little problems that must be fixed as bigger ones, or they will kill any drive you have.

当你重新架构核心信念的时候,并不需要你努力改变你的设想和行动。When you reframe the core belief there’s no effort involved in changing your assumptions and your actions.

如果你因为过去而身陷困境,寻求专业人士的帮助,重建信心并集中精神开始现在的生活。If you're mired down by past events, seek out a professional to help you reframe and refocus your energies.

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公共卫生的游说活动应该将肥胖重新界定为公共问题,而非个人失败。Public health campaigns should reframe the problem of obesity from one of individual failure to one of public concern.

伴随着神经科学家们开始研究心理压力,我们相信这一领域研究将会帮我们重新认识关于人类天性的认识。As neurobiologists who study stress, we believe that research in this area will help reframe the study of human nature.

“我们认为工作和快乐是对立的,”阿克尔说,相反,他建议工作者们重新审视他们的工作。“We think work is the opposite of happiness,” Achor says. Instead, he suggests workers reframe the way they think about their jobs.

当你理解了媒体,你能够仍然提起一个正在被人们遗忘的公众议题并从人们的期望里面重新建立这些议题。When you understand the media, you can also raise public issues that are being ignored and reframe issues from a citizen’s perspective.

最后,我们根据在构建和发布中的需要,从更广阔的方面对最初的讨论进行了重新组织。To that end, we reframe the initial discussion in somewhat broader terms as it is necessary to see true excellence in build and release.

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如果你仅仅重新架构设想,核心信念将不断推动你的事业,巧妙地找到另一个可以依靠的设想。If you just reframe the assumption, the core belief will keep driving your game by cleverly finding another assumption to hang its hat on.

当你重新理清情况,进行更为合理的解释,你将能能有效的行动,找到并拥有一份自己需要的爱情。When you reframe the situation to something more adequate, you can act again in an effective way and you can find and keep the love that you need.

他花了周日的一部分时间来为本周的全国讲话做准备并且派遣他的第一代理人去参加访谈节目,以求恢复医疗改革争论。He spent part of Sunday working on this week’s speech to the nation and dispatched top surrogates to the talk shows to try to reframe the health care debate.

作为一个设计师,首先他们应该具备设计师的一切基本技能,也许更多,这是因为他们的工作会涉及到更广泛的领域,并需要他们进行重新规划。Being designers first, they are able to do everything a designer can, and perhaps more, because of their connection to the wider view and their ability to reframe.

我没有必要接受,所有不理智的想法,下周我们会更深入地探讨,如何认知性地重塑自己的想法。So I don't necessarily accept all my irrational thoughts and again, we'll talk about it much more next week of how we can cognitively reframe what we were thinking.

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我们观察的第二个区域则负责人的心理健康,这一区域在长期偏好,以及类似成分对决策作出影响时发生重组。The second area that we've looked is in a context of mental health, which one can reframe as chronic biases and some of these components are going to decision making.

Fishkin告诉我们有许多用户会使用这一服务的专业设置模式来注释一些法律文本,但是也有许多用户使用的是学校设置模式。Fishkin told us that a lot of Reframe It's users utilize the service in a professional setting to annotate legal texts, for example, but a lot of users also use it in a school setting.

像叙述性的写作一样,写诗有助于人们重新整理一个挑战性和未完成的经历,尤其是当多首诗都从不同角度揭露同一个主题时。Like narrative writing, poetry writing can help reframe thoughts about a challenging or unsettling experience, especially when multiple poems explore the same theme from different angles.