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他的风湿病已治好。He is cured of rheumatism.

请问这是风湿痛遗传吗?Is it genetic rheumatism it?

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我左肩患有风湿症。I have rheumatism in my left shoulder.

她为风湿痛所苦。She suffered tortures from rheumatism.

风湿病要吃什么药啊????What drug should rheumatism take? ? ? ?

风湿病患者饮食如何调理?How is rheumatism patient food recuperated?

对痛风、风湿痛有更好的疗效。For gout, rheumatism pain have better effect.

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湿气使我的风湿病又发作了。Humidity caused me another fit of rheumatism.

我尝试过风湿症的各种治疗方法。I have tried lots of treatments for rheumatism.

你没听他说有风湿病吗?Did not you hear him complain of the rheumatism ?

蚁精通可以治疗类风湿吗?Formic perfectness and OK treat kind of rheumatism?

住在潮湿地区的人易患风湿病。Rheumatism affects people living in damp localities.

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风湿病属中医痹证范畴。Rheumatism belongs to arthromyodynia category in TCM.

电疗可以治你的风湿病。Electrical treatment will be good for your rheumatism.

能帮助摩羯座的人抵抗风湿症。Brassica vegetables can help the resistance rheumatism.

硬皮病是自身免疫性疾病中的难治病。Scleroderma is presently a common disease in rheumatism.

他有风湿病,所以行动非常迟缓。He moved very slowly because he suffered from rheumatism.

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风湿痛怎么治疗,是什么原因引起的!Rheumatism is painful how to treat, what reason is caused!

目的回纹型风湿症转归和预后。Objective Progression and prognosis of palindromic rheumatism.

舒筋活络,消肿止痛,用于跌打扭伤,风湿骨痛。Relief of swelling and pain, for the bruises sprains, rheumatism.