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他们同意买下该煤矿的未认购的股票。They underwrote the coal mine's bonds.

政府为该活动提供了开办时所需的费用。The government underwrote the initial costs of the operation.

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这是泰国的一个学生宿舍,是由我爸爸和妈妈资助的。This is a dormitory in Thailand that my mom and dad underwrote.

培训公司承诺支付学校所有运营费用并分享利润。The training company underwrote all the costs of running MU and they split the profits.

这是在泰国的一个由我的妈妈和爸爸出资的学生寝室。This is a dormitory in Thailand that my mom and dad underwrote. And every year about 30 students.

同时,在1979签署和平协议并给予慷慨援助的美国,己经失去了影响力。At the same time, the United States, which underwrote the peace agreement of 1979 with generous aid, has lost influence.

在抵押贷款业务繁荣兴旺的那段日子,美林能够将它承销的大部分CDO顺利出售给世界各地的投资者。For much of the mortgage boom, Merrill was able to sell the bulk of the CDOs it underwrote to investors all over the world.

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正是纳税人净化了这片土地,为公交设施买单,为新的发展出资。It was the taxpayer who decontaminated the land, paid for the transport infrastructure, and underwrote the new developments.

美国政府说这个核电站“正在老化,且很危险”,并签署了一份研究项目,旨在督促新建一个核电站。The United States government, which has called the plant "aging and dangerous, " underwrote a study that urged construction of a new one.

承办我们信托基金的出版商关掉了她的公司,把大规模解聘职员的消息发布在她的个人博客上。The publisher whose trust fund underwrote our paper costs shuttered the company and informed the employees of this mass firing via her personal blog.

摩根大通今年迄今的股票承销佣金收入仅有395亿美元,而上年同期为800.7亿美元.据汤森路透截至周五美股收盘的数据,摩根大通共计承销了224宗供股交易,低于上年同期的290宗.The bank underwrote 224 offerings according to Thomson Reuters data at the close of U.S. markets on Friday, compared with 290 in the period a year earlier.