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仿真试验表明,相对于码书索引集合的加密,该算法效果更好。It is better than encrypting the sets of indices on the codebook.

在随机码本搜索中,采用高斯重叠稀疏码本。Gaussian over lapped and clipped codebook is used in codebook search.

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矢量量化码书设计本质是搜索训练矢量的最佳分类。VQ codebook design is essentially a classification of training vectors.

提出了一种高效的矢量量化码将设计算法。This paper proposes an efficient codebook design algorithm for image compression.

首先,采用改进的模拟退火算法设计语音编码参数矢量量化码本。First, the algorithm is used to design the codebook of the speech coding parameters.

通过链路级仿真对目前已有的各种码本方案进行性能对比。Link level simulation is used to compare the performance of different codebook methods.

提出了一种矢量量化码书设计及编码的快速算法。A fast algorithm of encoding and codebook designing for vector quantization is proposed.

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自适应码本搜索算法是3G移动通信标准AMR的重要组成。The adaptive codebook search is one of the key component in the 3G s speech standard AMR.

声音转换实验评估了声调码本映射算法的性能。Voice conversion experiments are performed to evaluate the tone codebook mapping algorithm.

有些情况下,“密码”比“编码”更方便,因为“密码”无需反复查询密码本。Ciphers are more convenient than codes in some situations, there being no need for a codebook.

与受访者回答相对应的编码会列在过录编码簿上。The codes that are used and their correspondence to the actual responses are listed in a codebook.

因此,如何获得全局最优的码书成为矢量量化算法设计的主要研究问题之一。So, how to achieve global optimal codebook become the one of key problems of designing VQ algorithm.

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文章把轨线模型应用于说话人识别,同时对VQ模型的电码本训练算法进行了改进。Now we introduce trajectory model in speaker recognition and improve the codebook training algorithm for VQ.

本文提出了一种新型的基于对LSF矢量空间进行拉伸变化的混合进化码书优化算法。A new hybrid evolutionary LSF codebook optimization algorithm is proposed based on the vector space stretching.

它们分别针对具有相同和不同固定码本结构的语音编码标准进行转码。They are to transcode between standards with the same and the different fixed codebook structure, respectively.

提出了将码书中的码字旋转压缩的理论。In this theory, all codewords in codebook are rotated to four hieratical directions to check their correlations.

然后,码本设计算法扩展到具有分段线性特性的失真的措施。The codebook design algorithm is then extended to a distortion measure that has piecewise-linear characteristics.

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也探讨了码本大小及其对最终性能的影响并给出了相关实验结果。The effect of codebook size to final performance is also discussed and relative experiment results are presented.

该设计方案构造出的码本具有合理的结构特性,降低了预编码操作的复杂度。The codebook constructed by this method has good structure properties which can reduce the complexity of precoding.

码书扩大造成每一子集最小失真减小从而提高了量化性能。The expansion of codebook minishes the minimal distortion in every subset and improves the quantization performance.