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Hobo是一个很大的项目。Hobo is a big project.

霍波,把我的衣服拿来。Bring me my clothes, Hobo.

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从今往后,我成了无业游民。From now on, I became a hobo.

哼,我真恨不得去当个流浪汉。Sometimes I wish I was a hobo.

跳上货车变成个流浪汉?Hop a freight and become a hobo?

我的意思是,鸡,踢流浪汉?I mean, a chicken, kicking Hobo?

妈妈,以后我也想当个流浪汉Ma, I want to be a hobo someday.

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妈妈,以后我也想当个流浪汉“Ma, I want to be a hobo someday."

明白了,这是流浪汉穿的,亲爱的。I see. This is a hobo suit, darling.

快来吧,霍波,让我们玩得开心点。Come on, Hobo. Let's enjoy ourselves.

霍波,你以前常对我很好。Hobo , you used to be very kind to me.

霍波,我不知道今天穿什么?I don't know what to wear today, Hobo.

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皮革手提包风格单肩包。Hobo style shoulder bag made of leather.

我看起来像个流浪汉我这样能结婚吗?。How can I get married looking like a hobo ?

霍波,我的一位老朋友要来拜访我。An old friend of mine is coming to visit me, hobo.

霍波告诉埃迪他已经看过这部影片两次了。Hobo told Eddie that she had seen this film twice.

你把报纸给我带来真是太好了,霍伯。It's nice of you to bring me the newspaper , Hobo.

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又或者,去摸一把您身边一个流浪汉的头发。Or, go rub your hands in the hair of the nearest hobo.

无业游民陈全因生意失败而落魄。Hobo Chen Quan is abjection because of business failure.

阿诺是生活是简单而不复杂的一个年老的无业游民。Arnold was an elderly hobo whose life was simple and uncomplicated.