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你公司里最处变不惊的人是谁?Who in your organization is unflappable amid change?

一头金发的她也为正在崛起的一代头脑冷静的党派人士树立了标准范本。She's also the gold-haired standard for a rising generation of unflappable partisans.

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只有他那非凡的身体天赋和镇定的夺冠决心可以让魔术队本赛季对湖人的横扫失去意义。Only his physical gifts and unflappable determination could nullify the Magic's season sweep.

可是即便你和一位禅师一样遇事不慌,每天你仍然要面对压力瘾君子。But even if you're as unflappable as a Zen master, you're still dealing with stress junkies every day.

说到某某股票时,也应该采用同样无情镇静的手段。The same dispassionate and unflappable approach should be brought to bear when it comes to shares of XYZ.

经理从容地把1号房的客人挪到2号,2号的挪到4号,3号的挪到6号,以此类推。The unflappable manager moves the occupant of room 1 to room 2, room 2 to room 4, room 3 to room 6, and so on.

但是希丁克还是为总是镇定自若的捷克门将辩护,并坚持他最近所犯的错误都已经过去了。But Hiddink defended the usually unflappable Czech keeper and insists his recent errors are already behind him.

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相反,要和007一样镇定的利用用灵活力来掌控这类情况,分析所面临的选择,调整自己的心态以及计划,然后,行动!Instead, deploy the same unflappable cunning as 007 to assess the situation, judge the options, adapt, and take action.

在一部充满戏剧冲突却没有反面角色的影片中,不屈不挠和不慌不忙的幽默成就了拉什扮演的洛格。In a film with abundant conflict but no villain, the goodness of Mr. Rush's man reveals itself through tenacity and unflappable humor.

第二首歌有关“头脑冷静”的美联航客服代表Irlweg女士,她于去年12月份称“事件已经结束”。The second song is about Ms Irlweg, the "unflappable" customer service rep at United who said last December that the "matter was closed."

如果一个将要开始高压力工作的人希望训练他们在压力下保持冷静和稳定的话,你有什么建议?If a person starting out in a high-stakes career wanted to train themselves to be cool and unflappable under stress, what would you recommend?

你公司里最处变不惊的人是谁?请这个人喝杯咖啡或者吃顿午餐,学习一下他或者她是怎么在压力下保持优雅的。Who in your organization is unflappable amid change? Invite this person for coffee or lunch to learn how he or she maintains grace under pressure.

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他面对危险也镇定自若,甚至很高兴能有机会用自己的高超身手与传说中英勇的绝地武士一较短长。He is unflappable in the face of danger, and even welcomes the opportunity to pit his formidable skills against the legendary prowess of the Jedi Knights.

特里依旧是切尔西防守的核心,他为迪迪尔德罗巴的第一个入球助攻。Terry had been unflappable at the heart of Chelsea's defence and providing the flicked header which presented Didier Drogba with the first of his two goals.

跟最好的人学习。你公司里最处变不惊的人是谁?请这个人喝杯咖啡或者吃顿午餐,外教英语口语培训学习一下他或者她是怎么在压力下保持优雅的。Learn from the best. Who in your organization is unflappable amid change? Invite this person for coffee or lunch to learn how he or she maintains grace under pressure.

2003年洛杉机时报的戴维•肖克提到,克朗凯特在播音时也许一直镇定从容,但“他在镜头外面永远是一个刻苦努力、富有锐利竞争精神的一个新闻记者。”Cronkite may have been a calm, unflappable presence on the air, but "he was always a hard-driving, fiercely competitive newsman off camera, " David Shaw of the Los Angeles Times noted in 2003.