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小赢于智,大赢于德。Win more in virtue than resourcefulness.

他有时对于这个人的足智多谋感到吃惊。He marveled sometimes at the man's resourcefulness.

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智谋的人在世界上会这样认为。Resourcefulness of people in the world will think that.

对于其个人无可厚非,同时钦佩其智谋和胆略!For their personal criticism, and admire their resourcefulness and courage!

中国人民用智慧和勇气来面对这场灾难。And the Chinese people faced this disaster with resourcefulness and tenacity.

我们只有既靠勇敢又靠智谋,才能打败对手。Only when we rely on both courage and resourcefulness can we defeat the rival.

你可以讲述什么样的故事来展示你的激情,主动和足智多谋呢?What stories can you relay that show your passion, initiative and resourcefulness?

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问问你的老祖母,在她的年代里,爱物惜物和节约简朴都是被珍惜的价值。Ask your grandma. In her day, stewardship and resourcefulness and thrift were valued.

赤狐的聪明狡猾足智多谋使它誉满四海。The red fox's resourcefulness has earned it a legendary reputation for intelligence and cunning.

火星跟天王星之间形成的六分相显示出行动上的聪敏机智及原创性的天赋。The sextile formed between Mars and Uranus shows a gift of originality and resourcefulness in actions.

我没有这些人物足智多谋,因而我一直找不出化不祥之兆为喜讯的言词。Not having the resourcefulness of these great man, I could find no words to make the bad symbolism good.

犯人已决心不回答,于是他开始运用他的智谋以寻求脱身之计。The prisoner, having resolved not to respond, began to call upon his sense of resourcefulness to find a way out.

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一路上你会遇到各种各样的敌人,都要求你机智勇敢的战胜他们!Along the way, you will encounter a variety of enemies, ask your resourcefulness and courageous fight against them.

新兴的知识经济需要一种新的软性技能组合——同情、善于社交、自信、机智。The emerging knowledge economy demands a new, softer skill set – empathy, sociability, confidence, resourcefulness.

它们的存在正以一种复杂的过程展现出来,这种艺术是对人类的聪明才智和创造性的贡献。Their existence is a tribute to human resourcefulness and creativity, surfacing from deep within a complex process.

我想,警官也许被我们的足智多谋和坚忍不拔所打动,有几位警官甚至有了笑容。I think the police are quietly impressed with our resourcefulness and persistence and couple of them even manage a smile.

它是关于勇气、生存、睿智、有著形象鲜明的角色、情节紧凑的故事。It is a fast-paced and entertaining story of courage, survival and resourcefulness with well-drawn and believable characters.

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这次灾难给日本汽车业带来的破坏是多方面的,它将检验日本汽车业的智慧与创造力。The multi-faceted nature of the destruction from this disaster, however, will test all of their ingenuity and resourcefulness.

在向别人要答案之前,不妨锻炼一下自己丰富资源的能力,先自己找找答案。Don’t be afraid to exercise some resourcefulness and find the answers to your questions on your own before piping up for yourself.

土星的经验来之不易,取得的成果,通过室女座是从日常的努力,耐心,机智和适应能力。Saturn's lessons are hard won, and gains made through Virgo are from daily effort, patience, resourcefulness and ability to adapt.