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重均官能度具有按当量数分数加和的性质。Weighted average functionality possess additivity by equivalent number fraction.

目前所建立的砼损伤模型都有一个共同的不足之处即其所描述的损伤缺乏可加性。The existing damage model of concrete has a common defect, i , e, lacking of additivity.

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分析了加性一致性和满意一致性的关系。Furthermore, the relationship between additivity and satisfaction consistencies is analyzed.

反应能量主要采用原子团加和方法以及密度泛函理论进行估算。Reaction energy was always estimated by Group additivity method and density functional theory.

讨论了反应条件、测量波长的选择等因素的影响。The effects of coloring reaction condition , selection of wavelengths and additivity of absorbances.

同时利用自制的酶固定化添加剂应用于烟叶人工发酵和自然陈化的研究。And the study is done on enzyme immobilization additivity used in artificial curing and natural aging.

当您考虑将在事实表上发生的可能汇总时,相加性就变得很重要。Additivity becomes important when you consider the possible summarizations that will occur on a fact table.

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金氏Q值法评价“时间协同”出现时间点的合用性质,显示出协同或相加的结果。Jin's Q formula was used to evaluate the interaction of mixtures, and synergism or additivity was obtained.

该方法通过量子态的最优化分解实现了很多关于形成纠缠熵及其可加性,以及消耗纠缠的新成果。Our method also leads to many new results on the additivity of entanglement of formation as well as entanglement cost.

情感的加成性仅仅当情感促发在次优级时获得,这指出了潜意识的影响是弥漫的。Additivity of affect was obtained only when affective priming was suboptimal, suggesting that nonconscious affect is diffuse.

加性模型受到研究人员的重视,并对加性原理进行了实际检验。The model researchers have paid more attention to the additive effect models, and run some experiments to test the additivity principle.

这种价值作为唯一的方程的特点是,满足有效性、完全对称性等特点。This value is characterized as the unique function that satisfies efficiency, complete symmetry, the quasi-null player property and additivity.

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这个参数的值与正常沸点下液体的摩尔体积成正比,且具有基团加和性。It is found that the parameter is directly proportional to the molar volume of liquid at the normal boiling point, and its values have the additivity of groups.

现代西方规制理论认为,成本的劣加性是衡量一个产业是否自然垄断的关键条件。铁路的成本劣加性大,属于自然垄断性较强的行业,因而国家必须管制。According to modern western regulation theory, the sub additivity of cost is the key condition for judging whether an industry is characterized by natural monopoly.

结合两组分RRS光谱强度的加和性,可建立双组分信号响应的两条同原射线的计量分析法。Based on the differences and the additivity of RRS intensity of two drugs, a novel method for simultaneous determination of CPZ and PZ was developed by RRS spectral method.

文章提出了一个可加性规则的半经验公式,该方法简单有效,对于电子散射总截面的计算有一定研究价值。A semiempirical additivity rule has been presented. This model is simple but more effective and is of certain value for further research in calculation of total cross sections.

迭加定理与线性系统的关系.迭加定理的齐次性和可加性,作了较详细的论证。A detailed demonstration about the provement, the relation with the linear system, the homogeneity property and the additivity property of the superposition theorem is also given.

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对含过程变量的四分量二阶可加混料模型采用两个正交区组设计,在D-最优准则下给出三个最优设计方案。Two orthogonal block designs are considered of four components in two degree additivity mixture model with process variables, three schemes are given in D op criterion in this paper.

然而,大部分传统决策模式却未能对准则内之次准则间的相互关系有明确认定,仅假设其为加法性或独立性。However, most conventional decision models cannot be considered for clarifying the interrelations among the sub-criteria of a criterion by virtue of additivity and independence assumptions.

证明了平均互信息的可加性,在此基础上得到了广义相关系数不等式,并给出了等式成立的充要条件。Additivity of average mutual communication is proved, based on this, inequality for general correlation coefficients is derived, and the necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for equality.