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因此,它是空的。Therefore, it is null.

以空质粒转染组为对照。Null vector transfection as the control.

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合同被宣告无效。The contract was declared null and void.

婚姻已宣告无效了。The marriage was declared null and void.

该路经必须以零结尾。The path must end with a null character.

这种矢量就叫做"零矢量"So that vector is called a "Null vector."

替换空变量或未设置的变量。Substituting for null or unset variables.

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空集则对应于常数项1。The null subset corresponds to the term 1.

如果您想要一个值为空,可以输入一个空格。Enter a space if you want a value to be null.

否则您就必须使用该无效假设。Otherwise you must retain the null hypothesis.

一个空值是不同于零或者一个空格符的。A null is not the same as a zero or a blank space.

无关的空语句并非总是无害的。Extraneous null statements are not always harmless.

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我应该返回,免费的结构功能无效?Should I return NULL on functions that free structs?

该裁决是无效的,没有拘束力。The award is null and void and has no binding force.

如果返回值是一个对象,默认为空值。If the return value is an object, the default is null.

事实上,所有说过的话七天后就失效了。In fact all comments become null and void after 7days.

该字段用空格填充,且不以空字符结尾。This field is blank padded and is not null terminated.

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失败。将空指针NULL传给了一个参数。Failure. The NULL value has been passed as a parameter.

经检验,时序为白噪声的零假设被拒绝。The null hypothesis to be white noise has been rejected.

那个男孩的懒惰使老师的努力付之于流水。The boy's idleness renders null all the teacher's efforts.