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一个正在用餐的痲疯病人。Courteously I came up to a man.

他谦恭有礼地为我开门。He courteously opened the door for me.

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长者礼貌地朝我们点头致意,然后就走开了。The man nodded courteously and walked past.

友好并谨慎地驾驶方能有个安全而又舒适的旅程。Drive friendly and courteously and have a safe and nice journey.

每一次,他都静静听,然后很有礼貌地鞠个躬离开。Every time, he would listen quietly, bowing courteously before leaving.

我还喜欢她彬彬有礼的聆听我发牢骚的样子。I’m also fond of the way she courteously listens to all of my problems.

相互尊重,礼貌待人是中华民族的传统美德。It is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation to treat people courteously.

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我是个女人,你的谎言说得谦恭有礼,这次就饶恕你了。Being but a woman, I will forgive thee the lie, for it was courteously said.

得体的行为举止也表此刻你能实时有礼貌地措置信件。Good manners also dictate that you handle your mail promptly and courteously.

是的,礼貌的洛克希德马丁。你将是首选目标,如果你希望的话。Yes, courteously of Lockheed Martin. You'll be the first target, if you wish.

“我认为您的实际经验对解决事情是非常有帮助的,”亨利爵士亲切的赞同。I am sure your co-operation will be very valuable, said Sir Henry, courteously.

假,就是夸大其词,言不由衷,虚与委蛇,文过饰非。False, that is exaggerated, insincere, courteously but without sincerity, cover-up.

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她没有认出他来,但坐进出租车之前,她礼貌地对他点了点头。She didn’t recognize him, but she nodded courteously before stepping into the taxi.

父母亲也没教过他们怎样文明驾驶,怎样保障安全。They don't have Mom and Dad teaching them how to drive courteously and how to be safe.

然后他很有礼貌地把圆周理论物理研究所的环境比作那些有创新性的强大国家。He then courteously likened the environment at Perimeter to these powerhouses of innovation.

许仙想推辞,却见青青已经把瓜果菜肴摆上了桌。Mr. Xu tried to courteously reject, but Qing Qing has already put dishes and fruits on the table.

他们把我的轿子停在他面前,年轻的英国人彬彬有礼地接待了我。They set my palanquin down right under his nose, and the young Englishman received me courteously.

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他们更是殷勤地把他带往了一个废弃的郊外,并抓住他的脑袋往石头上磕去,撕开了他的喉咙。Most courteously they lead him into a wretched suburb, put his head on a stone, and slit his throat.

既然大家都这么信任我,那我就只好恭敬不如从命啦!Since everybody all trusts so me , just I must it is better to accept deferentially than to decline courteously !

她点点头,恭恭敬敬用嘴唇碰了碰杯子,向送她礼物的人示意——虽然她知道那礼物她是永远也得不到的。She nodded her head and touched her lips courteously to the wine- glass and to the giver of the gift she knew would never be given.