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现在做扩胸动作。Now the chest.

胸部手术。A chest operation.

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宝箱里面装了什么?What is in the chest?

你梳你胸。You preen your chest.

在胃部和胸腔之间。Mid-stomach and chest.

他的前胸凹了进去。He had a concave chest.

你需要做一个胸部X光透视.You need a chest X-ray.

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她在我的怀里大声哭泣。She cried into my chest.

他穿胸围42英寸的衣服。He takes a 42-inch chest.

开始胸外按压。Start chest compressions.

母亲节那天,在胸前佩戴石竹花。In the chest wearing pink.

扩肩,挺胸。Shoulders back, chest out.

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我想他胸口除过毛。I think his chest is waxed.

现在按一下玩具箱。Now click on the toy chest.

然后做胸外按压。Then do chest compressions.

你的胸部用X光照过没有?。Have you X-rayed your chest?

他把她紧紧地抱在怀里。He clasped her to his chest.

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他用指关节敲击我的胸部。He knuckled me in the chest.

他的胡须垂到胸前。His beard fell to his chest.

我觉得胸闷憋气。My chest feels rather tight.