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别忘了到了那里去会见他。Don't forger to meet him when you get there.

他说他永远不会忘记我指控他的舞弊行为。He said he would never forger that I had accused him of cheating.

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上司都会关心为什么分配给你的工作没有完成,这很少有例外。Forger rare exceptions no boss cares why an assignment wasn’t done.

大司马雇用了一位专门为他打造宝剑的铁匠。The minister of war hired a forger especially to make sword for him.

火神赫菲斯托斯是宙斯雷电的发明者。The god of fire, Hephaestus, was the forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus.

火神赫菲斯托斯是宙斯雷电的创造者。The god of fire, Hephaestus , was the forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus.

我们永远不会忘记“东亚病夫”的奇耻大辱。We will never forger the immense insult of being called "Oriental Sick Men".

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圆珠笔的字迹能不被烤炉清洁剂、漂白剂以及其他造假者的工具擦掉吗?Does that gel pen ink survive oven cleaners and bleaches-and other tools of the forger?

这是“伪造者故意留下的标记,为的就是要好好嘲笑一下那些个把出生证明当真的人。”It is the "forger leaving his mark, laughing at those who take the document seriously."

他是实际上一个信服的伪造者和迷惘者,但是这意味着他的书毫无价值吗?Okay he is actually a convicted forger and embezzler but does that mean his books are worthless?

他关于古代宇航员的书毫无价值,因为他相信伪造和迷惘。His books about ancient astronauts are worthless because he is convicted of forger and embezzlement.

但是,很显然,伪造还活着的人的传记的事却不常见。But, for obvious reasons, it is far less common for a forger to fake the biography of a person who is still alive.

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伪造者用一台光学扫描器把正式文件变成数字图像,存放在计算机的储存器中。The forger uses an optical scanner to turn a legitimate document into a digital image stored in the computer's memory.

对剑家来说,全铁剑是不及格甚至不堪用的,这些应是不懂剑术的铁匠作品。To a Jian master, full iron Jian is failed even not durable. These should be made by the forger who don't know escrime.

对剑家来说,全铁剑是不及格甚至不堪用的,这些应是不懂剑术的铁匠作品。To a Jian master, full iron Jian is failed even not durable. These should be made by the forger who do not know escrime.

世界的锻造者卡兹格罗斯将他的一部分力量赋予了强大的黑色巨龙耐萨里奥。Khaz'goroth, the Titan shaper and forger of the world, bestowed some of his vast power upon the mighty black wyrm, Neltharion.

但事实上,伪造人往往无清偿能力或者逃匿,使受损失的一方实际上无法获得赔偿。The forger is often incompetent to pay or avoid paying off, coursing a side which suffers losses to be unable to obtain the compensation in fact.

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好的作品应当在藏与露之间掌握住微妙的平衡,这有如锻造工把握淬火最佳时间的玄妙。In his good works, an artist should seize the subtle balance between clarity and obscurity, just like a forger to seize the right time to quench steel.

失败-停止签名是一类不依赖于攻击者计算能力假设的数字签名技术,即使攻击者拥有无限的计算能力,签名者也可以证明一个签名是伪造的。Fail-stop signature schemes provide security even if a forger possesses unlimited computation power by enabling the sender to provide a proof on forgery if it occurs.

本片是一个真实的历史事件。1936年纳粹分子命令集中营中的犯人大量伪造外国货币。在“伯纳德行动”计划下,萨利和一组专家被迫制造外国流通纸币。In 1936 in the Concentration Camp, Salomon Sorowitsch, a master forger and a fixture of the Berlin underworld, was selected to forger foreign money with other scientists.