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你的对冲基金可真多啊!Your hedge fund so massive!

直接交易可能是抵补保值。Outright deal can be a hedge.

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多伊尔蹲在篱笆后面。Doyle crouched behind a hedge.

我用了树篱式修剪机来代替。I used a hedge trimmer instead.

在伯克希尔,我们没做任何对冲。We don't hedge anything at BRK.

您的马能越过那篱笆吗?。Can your horse clear that hedge?

她住在灌木篱笆下面的田埂里。She lived in a band under a hedge.

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这是所有树篱中最结实的一个。This is the stoutest hedge of all.

房子四周围绕着一圈篱笆障。A wattled hedge surrounds the house.

他用园艺大剪刀修剪树篱。He cut the hedge with garden shears.

他用树篱围起他的花园。He enclosed his garden with a hedge.

沿河岸有一排树篱芭。Along the river bank there is a hedge.

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他从树篱的缺口处挤过去。He squeezed through a gap in the hedge.

些对冲基金仍然痴迷于黄金。Some hedge funds remain dazzled by gold.

围着院子有一圈高高的篱笆。There was a high hedge verging the yard.

荆棘看上去在他面前消失了。The hedge seemed to disappear before him.

篱笆把两个院子隔开了。The hedge marks off one yard from another.

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套头投资对美国是好还是坏?Are —are hedge funds good or bad for America?

它和猎浣熊犬撕扯时,树篱晃个不停。The hedge shook as he tangled with the hound.

我们的小院用伏牛花树篱与外面隔开。A barberry hedge bounded our small front yard.