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高品质的嵌花针织棉外衣。High-quality intarsia knit cotton tunic.

酸开始逐渐地腐蚀掉她束腰外衣的的边缘。The acid began to eat away at the edge of her tunic.

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她记得她穿的是一件月白的衫子。She remembered that she was wearing a moon-white tunic.

套衫中山装标榜点衣领和开半门襟。Pullover tunic flaunts a point collar and open half placket.

小托格鲁塔人穿了套漂亮的灰色海军军装。The little Togruta was wearing a smart gray naval tunic and pants.

有人夺你的外衣,连里衣也由他拿去。If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.

天冷的话,就在身上的布衣上顶多加上一件棉布外褂。In the cold weather a second cotton tunic over the first one sufficed.

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我要去守卫女王,穿着制服站在宫殿外。I'm going to go guard the Queen and stand outside the palace in my tunic.

有人夺去你的外衣,连裹衣由他拿去!And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.

与人造毛皮装饰的时尚套头毛衣的领口和领中山装。A fashionable pullover tunic with faux-fur trim at the neckline and collar.

从那时开始,中山装的流行持续了近30年的时间。Since then, the prevalence of Chinese tunic suit going on for almost 30 years.

长款或长及膝盖的无袖圆领斗篷“曼特”披在筒形衣的外面。The long, or knee length tabard was worn draped loosely back and front over the tunic.

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我将会穿上黑色的中山装,而新娘子将会穿上白色的和服。I will dressing on the black Chinese tunic suit, and the bride dresses the white kimono.

他穿着一套灰色的中山装,缀着小小的读起来是“为人民服务”的毛式扣子。He wore a neat gray Chinese tunic suit with a small Mao button reading "Serve the People."

女性在长袍外面穿一件斯多拉或帕拉,将帕拉翻折可以用作斗篷。Wom, en wore over their tunic a stola or palla, using a fold of the palla as head covering.

他穿的是最柔软的红色天绒长袍,衣袖很紧,有蕾丝和锦缎修饰。He wore a tunic of the softest red velvet, with tight sleeves trimmed with lace and brocade.

她戴着一串大粒的红色珠子,就像是煮熟的糖果,身上穿着一件长长的亚麻束腰外衣。She is wearing a string of huge red beads, like boiled sweets, and a voluminous linen tunic.

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在不同时期中国有不同的时尚潮流,例如旗袍,中山装等等。We have had different types of fashion in China, such as Cheongsam, Chinese tunic suit and so on.

他将一件蓝色丝绸短上衣套过头,用手指理了理他的胡子尖。He slipped a blue silk tunic over his head and straightened the prongs of his beard with his fingers.

扫罗就把自己的战衣给大卫穿上,将铜盔给他戴上,又给他穿上铠甲。Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head.