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它的巨大的椭圆形的形状由密集的由钢铁组成的格子所包裹。Its huge elliptical form is enveloped in a dense latticework of steel columns.

在壁橱中做一些格子和隔断,将衣柜合理分区。In the closet, do some latticework and students will wardrobe reasonable Division.

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格子式明快简单,条纹式则更富于色彩上的变化,形象更突出。Latticework style front simple code of colors, more money changes image more prominent.

橱柜的“格子”风格设计和住宅的书架形状相匹配。The "latticework" style design of the cabinets matches the shape of the bookshelves in the house.

设计者将红色与黑色搭配在一起,黑线组成的方正格子,显得简练有力。Designers will mix together red and black, black lines formed side latticework , is simple and effective.

另外,格子见棱见角的几何型样式使整间卧室具有一种别致的建筑气质。Also, see Kok geometric latticework see corner of the inter-bedroom-style building with a unique character.

运用格子推拉门、矮型茶几、风灯等符号来体现休闲特色。Use latticework push and pull doors, short-side tables, to reflect Fengdeng symbols leisure characteristics.

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希尔顿饭店,以木棂格子窗取代密封落地大墙,予人温暖、亲切之感。The Hilton Hotel replaced some of its solid glass walls with wooden latticework , providing a warm and intimate feeling.

橡树制成的、令人惊讶的格子长雕塑元素使精致的脊边缘成为一个显著的外观点。Oak makes a remarkable appearance in the surprising latticework of a long sculptured element with delicately ridged edges.

东端有些桌子设在隐蔽的凹室里,用蜘蛛网般的格子隔开,让人想起中式雕刻屏风。Some tables are set in secluded alcoves at the east end, framed by spidery latticework that evokes carved Chinese screens.

这座建筑又被称作「鸟巢」,原因是钢管交错的格状设计看起来确实就像鸟巢一样。It's also called the Bird's Nest, because that's what it looks like thanks to the latticework design of crisscrossing steel tubes.

这条具有100年悠久历史的旅行线路,起点位于格拉斯哥皇后街火车站,该车站至今仍然保留着维多利亚时代风格的格子状天棚。The journey to retrace this 100-year-old route begins at Glasgow’s Queen Street Station, under the Victorian latticework of the roof.

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其椭圆形格子壳,获得了它的昵称该燕窝,有令人陶醉的美貌徘徊在想象的。Its elliptical latticework shell, which has earned it the nickname the Bird's Nest, has an intoxicating beauty that lingers in the imagination.

本文阐述了长方形网格网架在单层工业厂房屋盖中的合理应用。This paper expounds the reasonable application of the space trusses with rectangular latticework on the roof of single-storey factory building.

建筑的格子的部分灵感来源于美国的南方腹部黑人劳动者的铁制品,但是他依然形成了方平组织图案的传统。The building's latticework is inspired in part by the ironwork of Black laborers in the Deep South, but it also conjures up images of basket weaving traditions.

我们的两片肺是由复杂的管子交叉网组成的,在心脏的两侧悬浮着,在有弹力纤维构成的框架的胸腔里。Our two lungs are made up of a complex latticework of tubes, which are suspended, on either side of the heart, inside the chest cavity on a framework of elastic fibers.

背面的绿色框架结构由竹条制成,固定在由旧井管改制而成的基座上,并伴以水平分割的木材作为格栅。The framework constructon of the green façade to the rear is made of bamboo canes seated in footings made of old well pipe and with split horizontal timbers as latticework.

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这个建筑用镶花的铝盘装饰着,这种图案的灵感来自胰岛素晶体的几何图案和该国musharabiya传统的格子图案。The building is decorated with tessellated plates of aluminium, a pattern inspired by the geometry of an insulin crystal and the musharabiya latticework of the region's past.

举个例子,在一个精装修样板间里,设计师在门厅作了一个很漂亮的木格子吊顶,还使用了彩绘玻璃,打开明亮的照明灯看上去非常的耀眼。For example, in a crack between decoration model, the designers made a very beautiful wood floor latticework ceiling, a painting using glass, opened bright lights looked very eye-catching.

几何形状主要是直线型的和曲线型的,而自然形状的花窗主要取自花鸟、动物,有时也是有人物形象。Understandably the geometrical form is composed of straight lines, curves and circles. The natural form of latticework refers to those depicting flowers, birds, animals and sometimes human figures.