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最后,别忽略你的头部。Finally, don’t neglect your noggin.

我给你一个几尼换一杯酒,吉姆。I'll give you a golden guinea for a noggin , Jim.

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范海勒拿起小茶杯喝了口菊花茶。Fan Hai Lei picked up noggin to beverage chrysanthemum tea.

事实是,他有一把枪而且正准备瞄准你的脑袋。No, chances are, he has a shotgun and will soon take aim at your noggin.

所以,如果你不想为自己的好而慢下来,请为你的头完好的缘故也慢下来吧。So, if you don’t want to slow down for your own good, do it for the good of your noggin.

就在上周,我们了解到鼻腔吸食是使干细胞进入脑部的最好方法。Just last week, we heard that snorting stem cells might be the best way to get them into your noggin.

另外它还参与其他组织的发育过程,如心脏中隔的形成和关节软骨的形成。What's more, Noggin is also involved in other tissue's development processes, such as joint formation.

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你不会想到这个,但是竹子的耐用性使其成为你小醉时理想的防护罩。You wouldn’t think it, but the durability of bamboo makes it an ideal protective covering for your noggin.

为了保证大脑有良好的补给,三个主要的脑动脉不断为大脑输氧。To keep our noggin well-stocked with resources, three major cerebral arteries are constantly pumping in oxygen.

试想让她进入一个公共厕所,让她在脑子里想自己正在转圈,一圈又一圈,直到她开始恶心。Thoughts about manhandling her into a public restroom and doing the nasty circle around and around in his noggin.

马车里叫他们放上一小瓶甜酒,记在我的帐上。And in the bottom o' the carriage they be to put a noggin o' rum in a small bottle, and chalk it up to my account.

一个人的脑袋是一个复杂且拥挤的精神“高速公路”,拥有数以十亿计的神经元,并且每个神经元都和数千的神经元相互联系。With billions of neurons, each with thousands of connections, one's noggin is a complex, and yes congested, mental freeway.

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你大脑中‘诺金’越多,BMP活动就越少而干细胞分裂以及你体验的神经发生也就越多。The more Noggin in your brain, the less BMP activity exists and the more stem cell divisions and neurogenesis you experience.

过量的‘诺金’看似导致了干细胞自身的衰竭,威胁到它们将来制造更多神经元的能力。An overabundance of Noggin seemed to cause stem cells to wear themselves out, threatening their ability to make additional neurons in the future.

体育锻炼通过一种与‘诺金’和BMP的复杂相互作用,能帮助确保神经干细胞活性和脑细胞新生。Exercise, he says, through a complex interplay with Noggin and BMP, helps to ensure that neuronal stem cells stay lively and new brain cells are born.

很多人在高速公路上开车的时候会猛然看到这玩意儿,然后被吓得半死,这还不算糟,更可怕的是我们还得去观看这部电影。Incidentally, the only thing that would scare us more than driving next to Axl Foley's humongous noggin on the highway is being forced to see the movie.

西北大学实验小白鼠的大脑中被直接注入了大剂量的‘诺金’,凯斯勒博士说道,“这使它们成为天才小鼠——如果确有此评比的话。”Mice at Northwestern whose brains were infused directly with large doses of Noggin became, Dr. Kessler says, “little mouse geniuses, if there is such a thing.”

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大脑是一个让人迷惑的器官,就像生和死、意识、睡眠和其他更多的东西,这都是人类关于人脑至今也没有解开的谜团。The brain is a befuddling organ, as are the very questions of life and death, consciousness, sleep, and much more. Here's a heads-up on what's known and what's not understood about your noggin.