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你应该在一个厂商的API中寻找什么?What should you look for in a vendor API?

如何使用赫克托耳API创建超级列?。How to create super column using Hector API?

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1版本的目标之一就是提供一个重新设计的集成API。A redesigned integration API is targeted for 1.1.

一个抽象的云提供商API戈兰尼图书馆?Golang library for abstracting cloud provider API?

这个API是强类型的吗,容易传错参数吗?Is the API Strongly Typed and Difficult to Misuse?

将日志API从commons-logging切换到slf4jSwitched logging API from commons-logging to slf4j

随着时间的推移,你可能声明不再支持某些旧版本的API。Over time you can deprecate old versions of the API.

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谷歌地理编码API要检测用户接近,地区。Google geocoding API To detect user proximity, region.

提供新的音频API来支持MP3等格式的效果接口。A new sound API for playing interface sound effect MP3s.

文件可以通过基于网络的界面或者API进行管理。Files can be managed from a web-based interface or an API.

你是咋个将API系列使用到这张唱片的混缩工作中的?How did you come to use The API Collection on this record?

在这些情况下,我们修改API的主版本号。In those cases, we change the major version number of the API.

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新的传感器API,结合了指南针,回转仪,和加速技术New sensor API combines compass, gyroscope, and accelerometer.

红灯塔也拉在从狗吠声的空气污染指数总体评价。Red Beacon also pulls in the aggregate rating from Yelp's API.

这个团队将会负责组件以及相关API的发布。The group is responsible for the component and publishes its API.

是哪种品质会让一套API易用而另一套复杂难解?What are the qualities that makes one API easy to use and other hard?

包括在IE9无窗口模式下的GPU加速的3D图形API。GPU-accelerated 3D graphics API including in windows-less mode via IE9

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你有没有想过你的应用读取的那些文件就是所谓的API?Did you ever think of the files your application reads as being an API?

这样,我们不能根据序号引用视窗API函数。So, one cannot reliably import Windows API functions by their ordinals.

支持基本的匹配器以及创建新匹配器的扩展APISupport for basic matchers and extensible API for creating new matchers