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但骆驼却一动也不动。But the camel did not move.

那头骆驼驮的是谷物吗?Was the camel carrying corn?

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请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。The camel is a beast of burden.

请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。Please give me a can of "Camel".

为了学生,甘为骆驼。For the student, Gansu is a camel.

请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。I want to get a pack of " camel ."

美洲驼和骆驼是同一物种。The llama is related to the camel.

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骑骆驼穿越沙漠。Ride a camel across a sandy desert.

欢迎来到野骆驼自行车俱乐部!Welcome to Wild Camel Bicycle Club.

这个避难所也是这只骆驼的家园。The shelter is also home to a camel.

有些种类的骆驼有两个驼峰。Some species of camel have two humps.

一个愤怒的骆驼咬了他的前肩。A furious camel has bitten his forearm.

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瘦死的骆驼比马大。A starved camel is bigger than a horse.

没关系啊,有时候骆驼也行!Doesn't matters, sometimes even camel !

我无师自通,学会骑骆驼了。I've taught myself how to ride a camel.

再怎样,“瘦死的骆驼也比马大”!No matter how "lean camel die than Ma"!

他们发现它是只独眼骆驼。They found it was camel. 1. an one-eye.

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骆驼想长双角,结果失赴了双耳。Camel going to seek horns lost his ears.

骆驼毛地毯也是旧物件。The camel hair carpet is a vintage find.

我骑着骆驼到了那儿的月牙泉。I ride the camel go to the Yue ya Spring.