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1956年,莫斯科一座犹太人会堂。In a Moscow synagogue, 1956, Yakov Berliner.

11月12日,这个在波茨坦广场的边防兵被一个手持鲜花的柏林人拥抱。This guard at Potsdamer Platz is hugged by a Berliner carrying flowers on Nov. 12.

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“人类天生是邪恶的,”一位妇女那时向柏林日报写道。"Man is naturally very ugly," one womanwrote to the Berliner Tageblatt newspaperat the time.

“人类天生是邪恶的,”一位妇女那时向柏林日报写道。"Man is naturally very ugly, " one womanwrote to the Berliner Tageblatt newspaperat the time.

11月12日,在波茨坦广场附近,一个西柏林人挥动大锤,旁观者鼓掌喝彩。A West Berliner swings a sledgehammer near Potsdamer Platz while onlookers applaud on Nov. 12.

这比柏林人多挣百分之七十三,比芝加哥居民多挣百分之五十。That's 73 percent more than what a Berliner makes, and 50 percent more than a Chicago resident.

柏林交响乐团通过合并两个乐团——柏林交响乐队和德意志交响乐团而成。It resulted from a merger of the Berliner Symphonische Orchester and the Deutsche Symphonie Orchester.

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既然能源是通过竞争出价得到,贝陵尔说,那么如果电价不足够低的话,迈朗公司将会失去这些订单。Since power is bought through competitive bidding, Berliner said, Mirant would lose out on bids if its prices weren't low enough.

现在我们到野外了,随着南希的指引,我们走到了一片到处都是齐腰高的草地。Now we can go into the wild, says Nancy Berliner as we step into a garden overgrown with waist-high weeds in the center of Beijing.

在纽约布鲁克林音乐学院的舞台上,“三分钱歌剧”中柏林乐团的一幕里,剧中一位角色对他的新娘说道,“它是艺术,它并不美好。”"It's art, it's not nice," a character says at one point to his new bride in the Berliner Ensemble's staging of "The Threepenny Opera" at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

要是能够在今夏回到德甲,他说不定会在薪水上做一些让步,这点我很有信心。I'm confident that he's ready to accept a pay cut if he decides to return to the Bundesliga this summer, " Schalke coach Felix Magath was quoted as saying by Berliner Kurier."