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一字之差即可使合同作废。A single word may vitiate a contract.

但这不会威胁到他的奖学金。But this does not vitiate his scholarship.

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当事人协商一致,可以变更合同。No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract.

任何该等变更都不会影响本合同或造成本合同失效。No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract.

应提高了,期望值的提高会抵消收入提高所带来的预期有所增加的幸福感。increase in aspirations is to vitiate the expected growth in happiness

尚未解决所谓的圣经难题及不解之处,会损及圣经的真理宣告。WE DENY that alleged errors and discrepancies that have not yet been resolved vitiate the truth claims of the Bible.

所施加的限制必须以法律作出规定,其实施方式不得损害第十八条中所保证的权利。Limitations imposed must be established by law and must not be applied in a manner that would vitiate the rights guaranteed in article 18.

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为了减轻烧结厂原料场的粉尘污染,设计开发了喷洒水系统。The automatic control system of sprinkling is designed and developed for reducing the vitiate of the powder in the field for piling up the material of the sintering plant.

可以看出,悠久的基础研究也许能够确定各种人力资源流程及模块,但也可能损及概念使其成为一个令人作呕的启发性练习。As can be seen, a brilliant benchmarking study might be able to determine the various sorts of matrices for payouts, but it might vitiate the notion of a fulsome inspirational exercise.

但是,我们对这种知识的缺乏无损于我提出的这个真理,相同的质能法则支配着整个自然界。But our deficiency in this knowledge will not vitiate the truth of the deductions I shall draw, which rest on the firm basis that the same laws of mass and force govern throughout nature.