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她有一张长长的马脸。She had a long, horsey face.

然而,戴维-霍尔西并不感到欣慰。Horsey is not among the comforted, however.

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她那长长的马脸上满是惊恐。Her rather horsey face registered nothing but shock.

有鬃毛和长长马一样鼻子的那就是小马驹秋千了。It has a mane and long horsey nose — must be a horse swing.

霍尔西是如何看待民主党人对克林顿的迷恋呢?What does Horsey think of the Democrats' fascination with Clinton?

在霍西看来,国家公园私有化是个“灌木球联的主意”。For Horsey , privatizing the national parks is a "bush league idea".

1585年间何塞住在莫斯科的莫斯科公司。Horsey was a resident of the Russia Company in Moscow from 1572 to 1585.

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在今天的漫画中,漫画家戴维·霍尔西把这场广告轰炸对人们的伤害描绘成不仅仅是心理上的。In today's cartoon David Horsey portrays the assault as more than psychological.

我深深地感受着马的气味,一只苍蝇叮在它的肚子上,它的皮毛骤然抽动一下。I buried my nose in his horsey smell, feeling his skin twitch when a fly hit his belly.

漫画家戴维-霍西在此想象了未来的情景,那时国家公园已经交给了私人公司。David Horsey imagines a future in which management of the national parks has been turned over to corporations.

那里是造就体育历史的地方。是希腊人与希腊人相聚的地方。啊!半人马情侣已经来了。乐队也来了!Where sports history is made. Where Greeks meet Greeks. Ahh! The horsey set has arrived. And here comes the band!

在这幅漫画的下栏,霍尔西让我们看到了如果一个不负责任的年轻蠢货闯入计票系统会发生什么事。In the lower frame of his cartoon, David Horsey shows us what could happen if an irresponsible young fool hacked into a voting system.

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戴维-霍尔西的漫画表现了很多西方人对电子侦测技术的最新发展所持的担忧。David Horsey 's cartoon illustrates the worries many Westerners have about recent advances in the technology of electronic surveillance.

在今天的漫画中,戴维·霍尔西取笑了施瓦辛格对严肃问题所作的肤浅的讲话———不过,也没人指望他能谈多少有深度的内容。In today's cartoon David Horsey makes fun of Schwarzenegger's address, which was light on substance -- but no one expected much of that anyway.

那么在戴维·霍尔西的这幅漫画中,打扮成小鸡利特的那个人在做什么呢?Eventually the hysterical birds all return to their senses. So what is someone dressed as Chicken Little doing in today's cartoon by David Horsey?

本周是漫画家戴维-霍尔西发表见解,他的漫画哀叹了纽约州参议员、前第一夫人希拉里-克林顿想当总统的抱负。This time it is David Horsey who weighs in, with a cartoon bemoaning the presidential ambitions of New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former first lady.