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是的,我很清楚他,再见。Yeah, Gib , I know Harry. Bye.

不仅仅只有高速公路上的气体。Gib nicht nur auf der Autobahn Gas.

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这是针对土地神基伯的审判。This was a judgment upon the earth god, Gib.

每根镶条的两个定位孔应加工插接螺纹。Gibs are to have jacking threads in two holes per gib.

具有可选钩头的锥形键的正视图。Elevation view of a tapered key with optional gib head.

往日的一张利嘴今天却给他惹了大祸。Today his usually gib tongue has brought him catastrophe.

有时候怪兽会被打成碎片,有时候会被烧着或者爆炸,等等。Some of our monsters gib into bits, or puff in flames, or explode, etc.

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基博的冰盖沿冰盖边缘残存下来,形成分散的大冰块。Gib along the edge of the ice caps ice caps, surviving form the dispersed of ice.

Nantero建立一个正常运作的碳纳米管内存原型10培养基阵于2004年。Nantero built a functioning carbon nanotube memory prototype 10 GiB array in 2004.

如欲查询或投保,请联络「亚联保险经纪有限公司」…For further enquiry or application, please contact "GIB Insurance Brokers Limited".

当你快要到达6级的时候,你应该开始想想如何用乌鸦风暴收对方一次人头。As you get close to 6 you should start to think about how to set up a Crowstorm gib.

红松杈干是主梢受害枯死或断折后,经侧枝的激烈竞争和顶端优势的驱使下逐渐邢成的。The fork arm is gradually formed by the fierce rivalry and apical dominance of lateral branches after the main gib is damaged to wither or break.