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宇都宫清吉与冈崎文夫的研究风格不同。Utsunomiya Kiyoyoshi Okazaki Fumio with the study of different styles.

其中应该提到的是冈崎文夫和宇都宫清吉。Which should be mentioned that Okazaki Fumio, and Utsunomiya Kiyoyoshi.

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完成总生产线的合作与宇都宫工厂。Completed the total production line in cooperation with the Utsunomiya Plant.

应该指出的是,宇都宫的这一观点给了谷川道雄极大的影响。It should be noted that this view of Utsunomiya Tanigawa Michio Kaku gave a great impact.

建立了较凉的翅片管的生产部门,在宇都宫厂为扩大生产。Established the cooler fin tube production Division in the Utsunomiya Plant for expansion of production.

宇都宫的研究主要立足于从精神史的角度来揭示历史的发展规律。Utsunomiya The study is based on the spirit of history from the perspective reveals the laws of historical development.

Utsunomiya大学,在东京以北一小时车距,的工程项目申请量自1999以来已经缩水三分之一。Applications to the engineering program at Utsunomiya University, an hour north of Tokyo, have fallen one-third since 1999.

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通过宇都宫太郎向日本参谋本部征求对组织新政府及提供军事帮助之可能。They required the Japanese military headquarters, via Utsunomiya Taro for the possibility of organizing a new government and military help.

宇都宫则是从历史的广度上、对秦汉、魏晋、隋唐各个时代进行了具体的比较研究。Utsunomiya is the historical breadth of the Qin and Han, Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang dynasties carried out each time a specific comparative study.

在该设施工作已经暂停,该公司指出,“时间可能会需要”恢复正常运作之前,在宇都宫。Operations at this facility have been suspended, and the company notes that "time will likely be needed" before operations can resume in Utsunomiya.

他们家原本住在东京都文京区,后来二次大战因战时疏散,举家迁往宇都宫市和鹿沼市。Their homes and lived in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, but because of wartime evacuation of the Second World War, and their families moved to Utsunomiya City Kanuma city.

坐落在栃木县的宇都宫之家,其外立面全都覆盖上了白色镀锌合金板条——一种涂层金属板——包边采用了日本香柏木。Located in Tochigi Prefecture, House in Utsunomiya is covered in clad in strips of white-painted Galvalume – a coated steel sheeting – and lined in Japanese cedar wood.

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完成了宇都宫厂与尖端仪器所提供的,这就导致在建立液压油过滤器,油冷却器全规模生产体系。Completed the Utsunomiya Plant with the cutting-edge machines provided, which resulted in establishing the hydraulic oil filter and oil cooler full-scale production system.