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我已经痛得没有了知觉。I am already benumbed for pain.

我的手脚都冻麻木了。My feet were benumbed with cold.

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那女孩冷得麻木了。The girl was benumbed with cold.

那个无家可归者被冻僵了。The homeless was benumbed with cold.

那个无家可归者的手指冻僵了。The fingers of the homeless were benumbed with cold.

她因痛失丈夫而伤心得发呆。She was benumbed with grief at the death of her husband.

麻木不仁的人们,醒来,反对战争!The benumbed and callous people, wake up to oppose wars!

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往日的回忆使已麻木的各种感觉一同涌上心头。The recollection loosened a throng of benumbed sensations.

伤上加伤,让东方锦整个手臂顿时麻木。Add wound on the wound, make glorious entire arm of east quickly benumbed.

他的心怦怦跳着,痉挛的手死死地攥住电话听筒。His heart thumped audibly as his benumbed hand held the receiver in a desperate grip.

快到桥的中段,珂赛特的脚麻了,要下来走。Towards the middle of the Bridge, Cosette, whose feet were benumbed , wanted to walk.

这时他觉得,他那只失去知觉的左手上悬着什么多余的东西。But at that instant he felt as though something superfluous was hanging on his benumbed left arm.

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虽然我已经到了这种麻木境地,但我还有这种自我关注的能力确实让我觉得有点可怕。I became so benumbed that it would have scared me, had I still been capable of such self-concern.

贾森先生的律师发现他的遗愿是将他所有的遗产赠与瘫痪的人和丧失劳动力的人。Mr. Jason's lawyer found that his will was bestowing his entire bequest to benumbed and labor bereaved people.

当时天气正冷,他的小指头僵了,抓不大稳,没有把那张纸拿好。It was cold, and his benumbed little fingers could not close very firmly,and they did not keep a very good hold on the paper.

那是一个大雪纷飞发傍晚,我拖着沉重的脚步,一摇一拐地走进家中,用我那冻僵的小手脱去已湿成不成样的皮鞋。It was a snowy hair this evening, I dragged, a shake a turn into the home, I used it benumbed hands off already wet not in kind of leather shoes.

没想到那个麻木司机把我拉到了外滩去看东方明珠塔,那也是个好地方,我梦想中的地方!Unexpectedly that benumbed driver pulled me to an outside pool to see eastern bright pearl tower, that is also a good place, my place in the dream!