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糙齿龙会大声咀嚼,格格地咬牙。Trachodon would chew and chomp.

它们只是在苔原上咀嚼食物,然后睡几个小时,睡醒了再吃。They just chomp on tundra, nap a few hours and feast again.

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长臂龙喜欢跺脚。糙齿龙会大声咀嚼,格格地咬牙。Brachiosaurus liked to stomp. Trachodon would chew and chomp.

我们真的很讨厌外国人咬鸡爪子时的样子。We really get annoyed when foreigners try to chomp on chicken feet.

然后我发现自己被击倒在地上,听到咀嚼食物的声响”,我觉得痛入骨髓。Then I found myself down on the ground. I heard "chomp, chomp, chomp".

我想念你。母羊还在分娩圈中咀嚼着谷物和精饲料,等待着。I miss you. Ewes remaining in birthing pens chomp grain and choice-cut, waiting.

非洲军团蚂蚁,它们以蚁群战术攻击和啮咬任何潜在的威胁。African army ants, whiich attack prey in a herd effort and chomp down on any potential threats.

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欧洲人依然在主菜之后吃绿色沙拉,为的是刮刮口腔里的油,准备吃下一道的奶酪。Europeans still chomp on greens after the main course, as a way of clearing the palate, and being ready for the cheese.

大白鲨拥有完美的上下颚和牙齿,可以对猎物包括从小鱼到大型海洋哺乳动物进行有力的撕咬。Great whites have jaws and teeth that are perfect for a powerful chomp on prey ranging from small fish to large marine mammals.

特别是小企业主担心,新的联邦收入附加税可能采取的盈利太大的咬牙了。Small business owners in particular are concerned that new federal income surtaxes may take too big a chomp out of profitability.

检票员等待着信号准备开锁,收铁门,放行,乘客们咬着牙、卯足劲,因为一旦门开,就是疯狂的冲锋。As attendants wait the signal to unlock and roll back the steel, passengers chomp a little bit. It's a mad dash once the gate is open.

有性经历的啮齿动物也证明比无没有性经历的表现出更少的焦虑,在不熟悉的环境中,前者会更加迅速地吃光所给的食物。Sexually experienced rodents also proved less anxious than virgins, in that they were quicker to chomp down on food in unfamiliar environs.

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服务业走来走去并且大块地往你盘里切蛋白质直到你吃了很多肉,这足以让你冬眠很长一段时间了。Waiters come around and literally chomp off large slabs of protein onto your plate until you’ve eaten so much meat, the meal sends you into a long hibernation.

当爱国者的人吃饭这个项目的一个无豆点迷宫端无缝整理成更小精灵点和电源颗粒对终日啃食新配置本身。When PAC-MAN eats that item the side of the maze without Pac-Dots seamlessly reorganizes itself into a new configuration with more Pac-Dots and Power Pellets to chomp.

一些吸烟者为了戒烟,会选择咀嚼一种戒烟口香糖,但是他们不会轻轻的去咀嚼并将口香糖在腮部与牙床间多唅一会儿,而是像吃一条普通的Bazooka泡泡糖一样,大口大口地去嚼它。Some smokers chew nicotine gum in an effort to quit, but instead of parking a slightly masticated piece between cheek and gum, they chomp the little squares like a wad of Bazooka.