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不要分散精力。Don't scatter your strength.

分头去找他们,狗东西!Scatter and look for them, dogs!

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在草坪上撒上草籽。Scatter the lawn with grass seed.

将洋葱撒在鱼上。Scatter the onions over the fish.

白云舒卷。The white clouds mass and scatter.

泛光灯使你的灯光发散的更漂亮。Omni's make your light scatter nicely.

当你歌声的甘露散发着Whilst the dews of your melody scatter

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月明星稀。The stars scatter when the moon is clear.

村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.

他被派出去散发传单。He was sent forth to scatter the leaflets.

直到末日窥见我的城堡,将他们驱散。Till Doom espy my towers and scatter them.

群星散梦奈何桥。Stars scatter dreams on the Bridge of Vainity.

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我锄草你撒药材种子。You just scatter the seeds while I am weeding.

接着,小银看到他们各自散去。Then Little Silver looked and saw them scatter.

在家里各处放上三到四本笔记本。Scatter three or four notebooks around the house.

你把东西乱堆乱放。You pile everything up and scatter things around.

吹尽了滚滚红尘,却吹不散弹指的相逢。Blow out the red dust, but can not scatter to meet.

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我们来画一条切合散点的直线Let's draw a line through a scatter of points here.

这些云将皆在你奄奄一息时来到These clouds will scatter at thy last faint breath.

在床上撒满好时的巧克力。Scatter Hershey's Chocolate Kisses all over the bed.