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长长的藤葛盘绕在树身上。Long vines swirl round the tree.

紫色的小鱼在他们的身边打着旋儿。Tiny purple fish swirl around them.

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烟雾和士兵们在其身后盘绕。Behind him swirl smoke and soldiers.

地狱是啊,我们是两个都下面随着旋动。Hells yeah, we're both down with the swirl.

数十亿计美元的投入让每一个人都在彷徨。Billion of dollars make many every of us swirl.

记忆是尘,纷纷扬扬在空气里诉说着过往。Memory is dust, swirl tells the past in the air.

圆盘式旋流纺纱是一种新型纺纱方法。The disc swirl spinning is a new method of spinning.

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在这儿您将学习如何创建一束彩色旋转光束。Here you will learn how to create a colored light swirl.

第一印象的漩涡冲过马龙的思维。A swirl of first impressions raced through Malone’s mind.

火星向上飞旋,雪花向下飘舞。A swirl of sparks rose to meet the snowflakes coming down.

浩荡的洪流冲过历史翻卷的漩涡。The mighty torrent rushing through the swirl of history rolled.

经过水漩,则掷荐投之,舟乃无恙。After water, then roll cast from the swirl of the boat, but right.

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带红色叶子在像失去的灵魂的风打旋寻找休息。Reddish leaves swirl in the wind like lost souls in search of rest.

视野中同样可以看见卫星漩涡圆盘,在9点,11点,2点钟方向。There are Moon Swirl orbs likewise in view, at 9, 11 and 2 o'clock.

成功后能看到敌人头上的蓝色旋涡标示。You can see the blue stun swirl in this image above the Gnoll's head.

云层在土星上打漩涡,土星是太阳系中第二个大行星。Clouds swirl on Saturn, the second largest planet in our solar system.

在太阳狂爆表面上,炽热物质旋绕着一个太阳黑点。Fiery formations swirl around a sunspot on the sun's turbulent surface.

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还在寻找最好的抛光垫使用细痕和涡流的去除垫?Looking for the best buffing pads to use with Scratch and Swirl B-Gone?

受持小棍子搅动水坑里的油渍映射出的彩虹图案。Take a stick and swirl the rainbow pattern of an oily film on a puddle.

包括一个测试台,一个模拟气缸套,一个涡流动量计,一个L.F.M。Including one test bench, a dummy cylinder, one swirl meter and L. F. M.