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那简直是反常的。That is simply abnormal.

神经传导速度检查异常。The NCV tests were abnormal.

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图示三个异常核分裂相。Here are three abnormal mitoses.

胎心率未发现异常改变。Fetal heart rate was not abnormal.

月经量少,不正常。Menses amounts are few , abnormal.

眼镜后面的眼珠子突凸出来。Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball.

敲膝盖或髋关节异常旋转。Knock-knees or abnormal hip rotation.

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但让我们来设想一个特殊的案例。But suppose we draw the abnormal case.

他是一个变态者,完全称不上是一个绅士。He is abnormal. He is not a gentleman.

品色滤色片操作错误。NO. 051 M filter operation is abnormal.

本文对川-11井异常进行了初步分析。We discuss the 11 times abnormal changes.

不正常的恐惧是有害的、消极的。Abnormal fear is very bad and destructive.

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任何反常的情况必须立即报告。Immediately report any abnormal condition.

十月下了这么多雪,真不正常。An abnormal amount of snow fell in October.

他们是一群不正常的精神变态者These are an abnormal group of psychopaths.

他们是一群不正常的精神变态者“These are an abnormal group of psychopaths."

均无侧方异常活动。No abnormal movement to either side occurred.

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变态心理学是心理学的一个分支学科。Abnormal Psychology is a branch of psychology.

共检出5例NT增厚的孕妇,均伴有不良胎儿结局。There were 5 abnormal fetuses with a thick NT.

反常精子可能有两个头两个尾巴。Abnormal sperm can have two heads or two tails.