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勒杜鹃是深圳的市花。Bougainvillea is the city flower.

我第一次见到簕杜鹃是12年前随爸妈来深圳安家的时候。I was first impressed by bougainvillea about 12 years ago when we moved to settle down here.

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没错,还有一个用九重葛来塑造触黛安娜公主的人体模型的“人生目标”。Yeah. Whose "life goal" is to create a sculpture of Princess Diana entirely of bougainvillea.

他们悠閒地走过露天餐馆、穿过阴凉的天井,旁边的墙上密密麻麻地长满了九重葛。They amble past open-air restaurants, across shaded patios tucked behind walls of Bougainvillea.

他们悠闲地走过露天餐馆、穿过阴凉的天井,旁边的墙上密密麻麻地长满了九重葛。They amble past open-air restaurants, across shaded patios tucked behind walls of Bougainvillea.

“我们本来可以,”考克斯说,“除非有一个100岁的叶子就在厨房。"We could have, " Cox added, "except that there is a 100-year-old bougainvillea just outside the kitchen.

种一些植物,例如九重葛和素馨,这样既可以遮阳又可以产生香味美。Some species of plants such as bougainvillea and frangipani , this can have a smell can shade the United States.

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不过,当睡意袭来时,我再也分不清那灿烂的簕杜鹃和那不起眼的花匠了。Then, while I was doping off in my nap, I could no longer tell the gorgeous bougainvillea from the humble gardener.

高架木板桥有着古代瑞士山中牧人小屋的设计风格,有叶子花和热带植物缠绕在周围。An elevated wooden boardwalk winds its way past the chalets, lined with flowering bougainvillea and tropical plants.

除了红掌及三角梅,瑞恩未来是否有计划发展其他作物?As far as he knows, RijnPlant focuses on Anthurium and Bougainvillea. Is there any plan to start with other items in the future?

三角梅众多品种的遗传背景复杂,国内外迄今有关三角梅品种间亲缘关系的研究资料甚少。The genetic background of the most individuals is complex, and so far, the researches on genetic relationship of bougainvillea are limited.

如今,这个作品高高架在红色和金色的叶子花灌木丛上方,彩色玻璃组成的多个漩涡有24英尺高、50英尺宽。The piece now towers above the scarlet and gold bougainvillea bushes, the swirls of colored glass rising 24 feet high and spanning 50 feet in width.

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本文研究中水处理对三角梅和凤凰木叶片质膜透性及丙二醛含量的影响。The effects of reclaimed water on relative conductivity and MDA content in the Leaves of Bougainvillea speetabilis and Delonix regia were studied in this paper.

用生长健壮的一年生叶子花硬枝和当年生半木质化绿枝为插条。In the experiment one-year healthily-growing hardwood branches of bougainvillea and one-year semi-lignified softwood twigs with leaves were selected as cuttings.

在尼泊尔就看到满树繁花的九重葛,微风间落花满地,不忍踏过。In Nepal, I happened to chance upon trees full of bougainvillea flowers raining down in the slightest quivering of the winds. I just could not bear to step on them.

介绍了城市天桥绿化栽植的簕杜鹃在基质、水分、营养、花期调控、病虫害防治方面的养护管理方法,为天桥绿化的簕杜鹃养护提出建议。By explaining the Bougainvillea Maintenance about plant materials, irrigation, nutrition, bloom, plant diseases and insect pests, the writer given some suggestions about it.