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如何说服客户采纳你的方案?How to convince costumer to accept your proposal?

我会做一个咖啡馆的老服务员!I would be a familiar costumer in one of the bars.

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我已经告诉我的负荷消费,价格没有变化。I already told my costumer that the price not changes.

并且本装置可以产生预设最大999次脉冲个数。These times are less than 999, which depend on the number set by costumer.

规格和色彩也可根据客户不同要求定制。The specification and color can be customized according to costumer requirements.

这个人是诈骗犯在巴黎演出大型戏剧时的化装人。This creature was the costumer of the immense drama which knavery plays in Paris.

一到销售屏幕按钮应该被添加到从那里打开添加负荷消费功能。A button to the sales screen should be add to open from there the add costumer function.

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有许多无奈服务代表大多数人愿意回答你的问题。There many costumer care service representative who are willing to answer most of your concerns.

了解如何在这个自由铁视频裙子内部接缝从专业的负荷消费在熨烫衣物。Learn how to iron the interior seams of a skirt from a professional costumer in this free video on ironing clothing.

并进行以调查问卷为基础,针对性地探讨了大学生消费行为与消费态度的特性。On the basis of the questionnaires, the character of costumer behavior and attitude of the undergraduates were discussed.

信息技术降低了客户管理成本,使得客户忠诚计划和价格歧视具备更强的操作性。The application of IT lowers the costumer management costs, making loyalty program and price discrimination more implementable.

汽车维修服务供应链注重用户需求的拉动作用,对信息的准确性要求很高。The supply chain of car maintenance pays attention to the pull action of the costumer requirements, and it requires more accuracy of information.

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他们在纽约安顿下来,在这里他为杂志创作插图,而她成为戏服供应商布鲁克斯服装的一名助理设计师。They settled in New York, where he did magazine illustration and she worked as an assistant designer for Brooks Costumes, the theatrical costumer.

我们为培训所写的场景能够通过及时反馈正确或错误的答案来纠正被培训人员,特别是当与客户打交道的情况下。Our training fictions highlights wrong and correct behaviours to show how to act in every situation, in particular when it's referred to a costumer.

这部分资金将被存入存单,并在彭博公司注册。客户会得到帐户密码,以便查询和确认资金。Funds from discounted security to be placed on CD therefore publicized in Bloomberg along with access code for costumer bank record and verification.

我们已经做进出口各种金属制品及矿石业务三十年了,拥有80多个国家和地区的客户和友人。We have been importing and exporting all kinds of metals and minerals for thirty years and have many costumer and friends in over 80 countries and regions.

因此,当前消费者价值的研究视角必须同品牌的研究紧密结合,消费者价值认知过程必须从品牌的角度来进行讨论和研究。So we believe the combine study on the customer's value with the brands personality is the only way to reveal the cognitive process of the perceived costumer value.

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按照我的同事以及朋友曼纽尔·维兰纽瓦先生的要求,在这封邮件中为您发送我们的合同、可选择证券列表、以及需要客户填写的申请表,请查收附件。As per Manuel Vilanueva, may associate and friend request, attached is our procedure, list of available securities and application form to be filled by the costumer.

籍8D报告保持客户退货及处理,包括籍质保、影响及损坏分析解决问题。Keep record of all costumer returns and their treatment via 8D report with analysis of the problem including reference to quality assurance, impact on plant and damage caused.

其次对客户消费生命周期的形成和客户阶段性的价值贡献进行分析,提出了维系客户消费生命周期的营销与服务主张。This will be followed by an analysis of customer life cycle and staged contribution, and a view that long time communication with costumer during it's life cycle will be raised.