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这是貂色和白色间蓝色。This is a sable and white blue.

不同深浅的红色、深褐色或带有斑纹。All shades of red, sable and brindle.

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画家的画笔有的是用貂毛制的。Artists' brushes are sometimes made of sable.

黄色,黄白,三色和芸石色。Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle.

她想让他把名字签在一件俄罗斯的紫貂皮大衣上。She would like it signed on a Russian sable coat.

塞布尔优雅地点了点头,从她手上接过了那本书。Sable nodded graciously, and took the book from her.

花朵图案可以和格子混搭,貂皮也可以和牛仔布放在一起。Florals could be mixed with plaid and sable with denim.

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这是塞布尔上次在法国的时候发明的。Sable had invented it the last time he'd been in Paris.

颜色黑貂色,黑貂色与白色,三色,芸石色。Colour Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle.

的紫貂的死带来了更多的疑问汞的未来。The Sable 's death brings up more questions about Mercury's future.

只有纯色和貂皮色是可以接受的,在评判时,所有颜色相同对待。Only solid colors and sable are acceptable and are to be judged on an equal basis.

紫貂给母亲治好了病,以后家族兴旺,在此世代为家。As the longevity flower has cured the mother sable of her disease, the family thrives.

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塞布尔满脸笑容,笑得是那样的坦诚坦率,表现出对工作十分满意,一切都是这样地完美纯真。Sable grinned, the honest, open grin that goes with job satisfaction, perfect and pure.

下一张图片是有区别的貂色斑纹的公犬。Below is a close up photo of the head of a sable male with the distinguishing sable markings.

其中,来自满洲东北部的紫貂皮尤其受到喜爱。The black sable fur from the northeastern side of Manchuria was especially loved by the people.

要避免这些犬只与其他山鸟色边牧交配,最好不要使貂色和山鸟色的边牧杂交。To prevent these dogs from being mated to other merles it is advisable not to mix sable and merle.

这张图片是一只PWC冠军公犬,它有明显的貂色和白色。This photo depicts a champion Pembroke Welsh Corgi male which clearly depicts the sable and white color.

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经调查,“紫貂”是前特种物资局长姚秉章。Classics investigation, "Sable " be before Yao Bingzhang of director of special type goods and materials.

小貂从南宫恋雯怀里出了,摇晃着尾巴,往伊雪的内殿奔去。Small sable the temple adore a Wen brisket from the south, flutter tail, rush toward the adytum of Yi snow.

这样,在月光厮守著的夜晚,我身穿沫浴著银光的黑貂服,沿著巉岩上的小径走去,并倾听艾尔西诺那诱人的潮水声。So in the moon's midwatches I pace the path above the rocks in sable silvered hearing elsinore's tempting flood.