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通过这个计划,她说,她感觉精力充沛,头脑清醒。On this plan, she says she feels energetic and clearheaded.

它是清晰的逻辑和强有力的直觉的融合。It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition.

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我们要有清醒的头脑和正确的方针,要不犯错误。We must be clearheaded and have a correct policy We must not make mistakes.

通过这一切,玛丽安是清醒,办法,进一步确定。Through it all, Mariane is clearheaded , approach, in further to determined.

这些措施有没有让球员们在训练中精神起来?。Are these measures geared at having all player show up clearheaded at training?

当城堡大门砰地一声在他身后关上的时候,他还没完全回过神来。He had not been entirely clearheaded when the chateau gates snapped shut behind him.

所以参观伦敦的时候要避免那些脑子清醒的伦敦人不愿涉足的自治市。So visit London but avoid boroughs where no clearheaded Londoner will ever set foot in.

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我神志还清楚的时候找到了静脉,就立刻取了些血样,我希望分析结果能很好的证明我的结论。I took some blood samples as soon as I was clearheaded enough to find a vein , and I hope that analysis of these will prove fruitful.

原版中二人在求学路中相遇,惺惺相惜,同于书房中刻苦读书。In the first edition two people in ask in the ways of running a school to meet, clearheaded pities , with studies assiduously in the studio.

赛后的惺惺相惜,罗迪克向这位以色列小伙子竖起了大拇指,观众也给了他热烈的掌声。After the game clearheaded pities, Rodieck raised up the thumb to this Israeli young fellows, the audience has also given him the warm applause.

组织的有效性并不在于那个称为理性的坐井观天的概念。它是清晰的逻辑和强有力的直觉的融合。Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition.

组织的有效性并不在于那个称为合理性的坐井观天的概念。它是清晰的逻辑和强有力的直觉的融合。Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition.

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但仔细想想,又觉得似是而非,开发商固然是行家里手,房子有什么猫腻,该是心明眼亮,开发商焉有不怕之理。But think carefully, and feel that specious, developers are certainly experts, houses what Maoni, it is sharp-eyed and clearheaded , developers are not afraid of wolves reasons.