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毫米会要求了完成重新设计。A 42mm would have required a complete redesign.

如果有必要,重新分析或重新设计系统。If necessary, reanalyze or redesign the system.

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重新审订美国的性犯罪法并不难。It would not be hard to redesign America's sex laws.

突出的问题将要求进行飞机主体的重新设计。A showstopper would require a major redesign of the airplane.

大卫。派彻,这家伙知道怎么再设计品牌标示。David Pache, this guy knows how to redesign a brand identity.

重新设计导致了飞机首飞日期推迟15个月。That redesign helped put back the plane's first flight by 15 months.

听说MSNBC很快也将进行网站改版。We have also heard that MSNBC will soon launch a redesign of its own.

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只有恰当地记录了流程之后才能进行重新设计。Redesign can only come after you have properly documented the process.

多年前,经过多次重新设计后,这栋“棒棒糖”似的建筑如今落成。After a redesign several years ago, the lollipops are now behind glass.

于是通用重新设计了马里布使之行驶起来更平稳更舒适。Then came a redesign that made the Malibu sleeker and more comfortable.

第四部分对QF集团员工内部培训体系进行再设计。Chapter 4 Redesign of the internal personnel training system of QF Group.

改进设计进气阀和进气阀在缸头的空间布置是主要技术措施。The key technical measure is to redesign inlet valves and their positions.

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该项目的任务范畴是重新设计、建立一个全新的客户相关信息库。The scope of this project is a complete redesign of our customer database.

直到1546年国王弗朗西斯一世才开始重新设计和扩建该堡垒。Not until 1546 did King Francis I begin to redesign and add onto the fortress.

更重要地,这些改善都只凭著控制结构的再设计即可达成。More importantly, the improvement is achieved by the Control structure redesign.

一种途径也许是重新设计泰国疫苗试验,让疫苗更好的发挥作用。One route may be to redesign the Thai vaccine trial and make the vaccine work better.

很明显,您不想在每次添加新组件时都重新设计应用程序。Obviously, you don't want to redesign the application every time you add new components.

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本文对富尔江尾水渠的原设计方案和两种修改方案进行噪声模拟试验。This paper modeling the original design form and two redesign forms of energy dissipater.

然而,一个重新设计的时间是漫长和1992年因首次看到了第二代帕杰罗。However, the time for a redesign was long due and 1992 saw the first Generation II Pajero.

2009年,我们重新设计了这整个系列的手表,并把它们投放到上海市场。In 2009 we introduced our redesign of the entire line and we chose to launch it in Shanghai.