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花给你的房间注入气力。Flower Power your room. Ambi Pur.

指出了今后PUR泡沫塑料的发展方向。At last, the tendency of PUR foam was indicated.

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照着普珥的名字,犹大人就称这两日为普珥日。So these days were named Purim , after the name of Pur.

这是我们的第一堂课,因此我不知道你们的名字。This is pur first lesson, so I don't know all your names.

电视报道中充斥着神话般的统计数字。The fabulous statistics continued to pur out of the telescreen.

让我去吧,呼噜一声,满足的她把手下放到我双肩旁边的床上,吻我的胸膛。Letting me go, she pur her hands down on the bed by my shoulders and kissed my chest.

这些结果可以作为建立PUR泡沫塑料力学模型的基础。These results can be used as the basis of setting up mechanical model of PUR foam plastics.

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褶皱末端由一个PUR底盖的密封圈来隔离进气端和清洁端。The open pleat ends are closed by a PUR end disk with sealing rim to separate air intake and clean side.

正是为追求这些渴望,一个新生代—我们这一代人—必须在世界上留下我们的印记。It is in pur suit of these aspirations that a new generation—our generation— must make our mark on the world.

结果表明,所研制的聚氨酯灌封料性能基本达到PU200的水平。The result showed that the property of the developed PUR pouring material reached basically the level of PU200.

PUR聚醚类外护套控制电缆,抗水解,耐油,耐磨,抗撕裂。PUR polyether kind of the sheath control cable, water resistance, oil resistance, resistance to abrasion, ripstop.

如果我们相互信任,我们就愿意相互敞开我们的心扉,我们就能够去掉假面具,去掉伪装,显示我们的真面貌。If we trust each other, we are willing to be open to each other and can shed masks and pretenses and reveal pur true selves.

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通过调节型材压入聚氨酯垫的深度,可得到具有不同曲率半径甚至变曲率半径分布的零件。By controlling the penetration of profile into the PUR pad, bent profile with different curvature radius can be manufactured.

对所研制的聚氨酯灌封料理化性能和工艺性能同进口料PU200进行了比较。The physical, chemical and technical properties of the PUR pouring material developed were compared with that of the foreign PU200.

在我最近通过琳达狄龙访问大天使麦克,他说苏珊斯普纳有“纯心”和勤奋的人的精神。In my recent interview with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, he called Suzanne purer"pur e of heart"and a hard worker for Spirit.

信息化建设中应当将IT产业与IT技术的应用并重,并着力改变制造业信息化滞后的局面。IT industries and IT applications are equally important. We should pur effort to make up for the information lack of manufacturing industry.

找出了发泡剂为氟里昂-11的聚醚基浇注型聚氨酯硬泡沫塑料上述弹性性质的经验公式。The experience formulas for the above-mentioned elastic properties of a moulded PUR foam of polyether base blown by F-11 are presented here.

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耐寒电缆天天生产PUR聚醚类外护套控制电缆,抗水解,耐油,耐磨,抗撕裂。Hardy cable production PUR polyether every day of the sheath control cable, water resistance, oil resistance, resistance to abrasion, ripstop.

一旦整个世界体系都脱离了乡村,资本家唯一的选择,便是在他们目前的区位上进行阶级斗争。Once the whole world-system is deruralized, the only option for capitalists is to pur sue the class struggles where they are presently located.

你知道,在我们上学的时候我们的伙伴们总是会提醒我们在有可能性的约会中该做的事情和不该做的事情。You see, when we aresoung pur fellow friends at scho Marketing oland college reinforce the way things should be done when dealing with potential dates.