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你偷了它。You stole it.

谁偷了我的马?Who stole my horse?

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谁偷了果馅饼?Who stole the tarts?

他偷了一只表给她。He stole her a watch.

他偷了我的技术。He stole my technique.

他刚刚偷了我的钱。He just stole my money.

有人偷了我的钱包!Someone stole my wallet!

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偷了一张狗耳地图。Stole me a dog-eared map.

那家伙偷走我的内裤。The guy stole my pantries.

一个扒手偷走了他的手表。A pickpocket stole his watch.

他从银行偷钱。He stole money from the bank.

她偷看了马丁一眼。She stole a glance at Martin.

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第3章谁偷了馅饼?Chapter 3 WhO Stole the Tarts?

第9章谁偷了水果馅饼?。Chapter 9 Who stole the tarts?

他从书架上偷了本书。He stole a book from the shelf.

我可没说他偷钱了。I didn't say he stole the money.

对不起,妈妈,我偷了饼干。Im sorry I stole the biscuit, Mom.

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我们在半夜里偷袭敌人。We stole on the enemy at midnight.

他说我的坏话,还排挤我以表现自己。He badmouthed me and stole the show.

他偷了三佩克大麦。He stole three pecks of barley-meal.