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于是耶和华转意,不发他的烈怒。So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger.

用您的凶猛粉碎这个邪恶的敌人!With all of your fierceness , come smash this foul enemy!

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你们甚至无法想象他们针对你们所做计划的残酷性。You cannot even begin to imagine the fierceness of their plans for you ones.

尽管狗很凶猛,但是它们对主人和孩子非常友善。In spite of their fierceness the dogs are very kind to their masters and kids.

当这位孕妇的心如此猛烈地跳动时,她需要做深呼吸。The pregnant woman needed to breathe deeply when her heart was beating with such fierceness.

在试车场,郭晶晶没有了在赛场上的勇猛,开得小心翼翼。In the testing field, Guo Jingjing did not have in athletic field fierceness , opens cautiously.

犹太人见王的军力强盛,军队攻击得又凶猛,就从他们前退却了。Then they seeing the strength of the king and the fierceness of his army, turned away from them.

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蓝菱央求珍妮别向司徒舜说出富龙的事,珍妮见蓝菱情深只好答应。LanLing begged Jenny dont to SiTuShun say important things, see Jenny LanLing fierceness had to promise.

令人不解的是,历史上居然会有这么一个人吸引了能够感应到那么多“孤魂野鬼”们在另一时空如此深重和惨烈的求救呼唤。It is questionable whether any person in history ever attracted so many telepathic cries of such fierceness.

他使猛烈的怒气,和忿怒,恼恨,苦难,成了一群降灾的使者,临到他们。He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.

法国官方表示中国之所以反应激烈是因为法国是目前的欧洲轮值主席国。French officials say the fierceness of China's response is because of France's current position as rotating EU president.

后来他们就友好起来,并一起游戏,态度羞怯忸怩,跟猛兽的凶恶本性完全不同。Then they became friendly, and played about in the nervous, half-coy way with which fierce beasts belie their fierceness.

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在美国上的状况-在早上晚上期间的伊拉克的前面在4月7日被战斗的极端的强烈表现。The situation on the US-Iraqi front during the morning-night on April 7th was characterized by extreme fierceness of combat.

刘艳喜笑颜开地讲着比尔的灵性,对它的凶猛度和领地意识也侃侃而谈。Liu Yan is speaking Bill's intelligence delightedly , and territory consciousness also speaks with confidence to its fierceness.

非常乾净、斯文的造型。却有个内健强力的振荡器,让它拥有如兽性般凶猛的一面。Extremely clean, refined appearance. but has a interior powerful oscillator, lets it has another side like beastly nature fierceness.

由于骁勇善战军纪严明,雷姆图纳部队在摩尔人最初征服西班牙和葡萄牙诸战役中厥功至伟。Renown for their fierceness and discipline, Lamtuna troops played a large role in the initial Moorish conquest of Spain and Portugal.

哥特部以野蛮、凶狠、嗜杀成性而著称,与欧洲黑暗的中世纪有很多相似之处。The Goth tribe was famous for its barbarousness, fierceness and sanguinariness, which was quite similar to the darkness European Middle Age.

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雷鸣是呼唤我前进的声音,暴雨是我前进的动力,强风是我觉醒的能量!Fulminatory is shout to me advance of sound, rainstorm is shout to me advance of momentum, fierceness wind is arousal of potence. come over tempest.

艾伯船长的相貌如此惊人,以致于在最初的一阵子,我几乎没有注意到他的恐怖是由于他站著的白色的腿。The appearance of Ahab was so striking that for the first few moments I hardly noticed that much of his fierceness was due to the white leg upon which he stood.

画鹰一定要将其勇猛有力的雄姿画出来,背景配上澎湃的浪潮,藉鹰向下俯冲的姿态,让整个画面形成强而有力的动态美。The Giant Eagle Swooping Over the Billows– When drawing an eagle, we have to capture its stately posture of fierceness and valor over rolling billows as its background.