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这个布道也没取得一点成功。The sermons were entirely unsuccessful.

母熊最终没能捕猎成功。The bear's hunt was ultimately unsuccessful.

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每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个。And behind every unsuccessful man ,there are two.

每个不可劲道君得背后,都有两个。And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.

但是她并没有成功,一文不名的铩羽而归。However, she was unsuccessful and came back broke.

这个失败的试验居然耗掉我3个小时!This unsuccessful ordeal had taken almost 3 hours!

次次面试的不成功,令我反省了许多。Times of unsuccessful job interviews, I reflect on a lot.

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两手空空的雄蜘蛛几乎都未成功交配。The empty-handed males were mostly unsuccessful at mating.

先把才子分为出人头地与怀才不遇两种。First with wit is divided into two unsuccessful preeminence.

用混凝土堵塞这条裂缝的尝试宣告失败。Attempts to plug the gap with concrete have proved unsuccessful.

几次试图阻止漏油的努力均告失败。Several attempts to stop the flow of oil have been unsuccessful.

成功人士做那些非成功者所不愿意做的事情。Successful people do what unsuccessful people do not want to do.

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他没有找到一步能够避免被将死的策略。His search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful.

成功人士所做的就是那些失败者不做的事。Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people don’t do.

这是自2006年导弹发射实验失败后第一次发射。This would be the first launch since an unsuccessful test in 2006.

李此时欲乘公车逃离现场,但未果。Li's attempt to fleet the scene by boarding a bus was unsuccessful.

索比心里十分憎恶,只得拖着脚步,重新开始游荡。他再一次。Soapy, with disgust in his heart, loafed along, twice unsuccessful.

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我们试图用英语和他们说话,但是他们也听不懂。We tried to speak to them in English, but that proved unsuccessful.

这里,我们主要讨论不成功调用的返回值。Here, we are concerned with the return value for unsuccessful calls.

当然,我在那儿没有成功——他们仅仅是与报刊有联系。Of course, I was unsuccessful there—they just held on to the papers.