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无法加载RAS,请重新配置拨号网络。Can't load RAS. Please reconfigure Dial-Up Networking.

RAS同样可以通过概要文件来扩展和定制。RAS can also be extended and customized via a profile.

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此前,反政府军队占领了石油港口拉斯拉努夫和布雷加。Earlier, rebels captured the oil ports of Ras Lanuf and Brega.

上图,布雷加到拉斯拉努夫的公路上,摆放着被毁的车辆。Above, destroyed vehicles line the road between Brega and Ras Lanuf.

一名幸存者说,袭击的目标是拉斯拉努夫炼油厂各个大门。A survivor said the attack targeted the gates of the Ras Lanuf refinery.

拉斯巴尔是位于尼罗河支流达米耶塔入海口的一个小小的度假胜地。Ras el-Bar is a small holiday resort at the mouth of the Nile's Damietta branch.

1968年,苏丹之位被废除,开创了以纳西尔为总统的共和政体。In1968the sultanate was abolished and a republic inaugurated with nasi ras president.

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上图摄于本月上旬,利比亚拉斯拉努夫日落不久后。The above image was taken just after sunset earlier this month from Ras Lanuf, Libya.

晚些时候,我开车回惠蒂尔,沿途看到了更多的地震造成的破坏。Later ras I drove myself home to Whittier I began to see more damage along the streets.

在卡塔尔的拉斯拉凡天然气加工厂内,烟雾笼罩下的红色火焰微微发亮。RED flames shimmer behind a thick shroud of smoke at the Ras Laffan gas plant in Qatar.

一个小组的反对派战士向西进发,奔赴拉斯拉努夫前线参加战斗。A small group of rebel fighters travel west toward Ras Lanuf to fight on the front lines.

在利比亚东部,据报道,支持卡扎菲上校的力量炮轰了石油重镇拉斯拉努夫。In eastern Libya, pro-Gaddafi forces are reported to have shelled the oil town of Ras Lanuf.

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有一些资助,例如一部分助研和大部分研究生资助不需要特殊的技能和经验。Some assistantships , such as some RAs and most GAs, need no specific skills or experiences.

卡扎菲部队的进展非常缓慢,但是锲而不舍,他们似乎即将赢得拉斯拉努夫战斗的胜利。Slowly but relentlessly, Colonel Gaddafi's forces seem to be winning the battle for Ras Lanuf.

最近,许多战斗已在布列加和拉斯拉努夫的战略油港周围打响。Much of the recent fighting has been around the strategic oil terminals of Brega and Ras Lanuf.

如果拉斯拉努夫沦陷,前线将越来越靠近反对派控制的主要城市班加西。If Ras Lanuf falls, it brings the frontline closer to the main opposition-held city of Benghazi.

在塞内加尔Sabar拉斯舞向前一步可以被用来作为等待之间的节奏跳舞。The forward step in Senegalese Sabar Ras dancing can be used as a waiting dance between rhythms.

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2011年3月8日,在拉斯拉纳夫镇的一次空袭过后,人们看着一枚没有爆炸的炸弹。Men look at an unexploded shell after an air strike in the eastern city of Ras Lanuf March 8, 2011.

在塞内加尔Sabar扭曲拉斯舞脚可作为移动等待或过渡性的一步。The twisted foot move in Senegalese Sabar Ras dancing can be used as a waiting or transitional step.

在哈伊马角位于最大的是阿拉伯联合酋长国的制药公司。Julphar, located in Ras Al Khaimah, is the largest pharmaceutical company in the United Arab Emirates.