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深深缓慢地吸气。Deep, slow inhalation.

吸入可能致敏。May cause sensitization by inhalation.

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吸入可能致敏。R42 May cause sensitization by inhalation.

救火员因吸入烟而不支倒地。The fireman collapsed from smoke inhalation.

观察组给予以舒利迭吸入。The observation group was given Seretide inhalation.

在计量泵的吸入端可能有气体泄漏。At end inhalation metering pump to a gas leak may have.

吸入及皮肤接触可能致敏。May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact.

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吸入和皮肤接触可能引起过敏。May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact.

这样你的下腹在呼吸时不会用力。With every inhalation your lower abdomen should rise without force.

对痰粘稠难以咳出的病人可做雾化吸入。Sputum smears of patients can be difficult Kechu aerosol inhalation.

这样相对人吸入的一氧化碳就要少一些。Such relative people of carbon monoxide inhalation to a little less.

研究甲醛经呼吸道染毒的亚慢性毒性作用。To study the subchronic toxicity of formaldehyde by inhalation in rats.

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另外,随着每次吸人和呼出,它们交涣更多的空气。In addition, they exchange more air with each inhalation and exhalation.

吸入污染的水雾或气雾可造成感染。Infection results from inhalation of contaminated water sprays or mists.

取下假牙,以免误吸入呼吸道。Remove the dentures, so as to avoid inhalation of the respiratory tract.

血液的吸入是单向的,吸入后不会再由食管吐出来。The inhalation of blood is one-way, not after inhaling out to the esophagus.

氚肺扫描可能有助于早期诊断吸入性损伤。Xenon lung scans may be helpful in the early diagnosis of inhalation injury.

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吸气时肋间肌收缩,提起肋骨。During inhalation , contraction of the intercostal muscles elevates the ribs.

他们手里拿这的塑料袋是胶状毒品,吸入其会导致钛中毒。The bags they are holding contain glue. Its inhalation leads to intoxication.

摄取或故意吸入溶剂蒸汽可能有害甚至致命。Ingestion or intentional inhalation of solvent vapors can be harmful or fatal.