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首倡者叫嚣着支持其中的一个立场。Advoctogether withes vociferously support one position or the other.

作为回报,他大吵大闹地否认存在着人为造成的气候变化。He returns the favour by vociferously denying that manmade climate change exists.

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尔勒·科夫说有些海龟因为资金的分配问题而大吵大闹。Erle Keefer said some Turtles spoke up vociferously about the allocation of money.

提倡者叫嚣着支持其中的一个立常我认为前一个立场比后一个立场更恰当。Advocates vociferously support one position or the other. I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter.

如果有人告诉他们该怎样玩一个游戏,接着一个孩子带着自己对于游戏规则的想法加入游戏,那些孩子会拒绝和他玩,有些甚至会哭闹。If they are shown how to play a game, and a puppet then joins in with its own idea of the rules, the children will object, some of them vociferously.

周四以前,萨马拉斯还曾竭力反对欧洲为希腊提出的苛严救援条件,并要求希腊政府推出更多以减税为基础的促增长政策。Until Thursday, Mr. Samaras had vociferously rejected Europe's tough bailout terms for Greece and called for more pro-growth policies based on tax cuts.

这一次大量的杂音来自外国政府,许多人强烈抱怨说美联储的行动使美元贬值。This time, much of the noise is coming from foreign governments, many of which are complaining vociferously that the Fed’s actions have weakened the dollar.

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或者再看看那些在气候变化中反对声浪最为高涨的政客们。他们从何筹得这么巨额的活动经费?答案你已经明白了。Or look at the politicians who have been most vociferously opposed to climate action. Where do they get much of their campaign money? You already know the answer.

现在我们只能希望,为了全体委内瑞拉人民,他应当实现自己竭力推销的口头主张,为这个国家制定一条创建平等社会的道路。We can only hope that, for the sake of the Venezuelan people, he figures out a way to create the egalitarian society that he so vociferously claims he has already made.

评论家,历史学家,激烈的辩论和电影理论家作家,争辩性质的电影作者声嘶力竭质疑,甚至有电影作者所有。Critics, historians, and theoreticians heatedly debate film authors, arguing vociferously about the nature of film authorship and questioning whether films even have authors at all.

同时出席会议的还有托特汉姆的国会议员兰米,他也是十分反对搬迁计划的。球迷不满斯库达摩尔做出的关于英超联赛不会阻挡热刺的搬迁计划。At the meeting, also attended by the MP for Tottenham, David Lammy, who has campaigned vociferously against the idea, the fans challenged Scudamore over the League's decision not to block the move.