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这个有轨电车可太好玩了!The tram was so much fun!

你坐过有轨电车了吗?Have you been on a tram yet?

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你应该坐12路有轨电车。You should take Tram No. 12.

你应该坐52路有轨电车。You should take Tram No. 52.

电车司机踏铃。The tram driver clanged his bell.

卡罗斯正在电车上看什么书?。What was Carlos reading on the tram?

一辆驿车刚到达山脚下。A tram was just arriving at the hill foot.

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来吧,和我一起走一段,到有轨电车那儿。Come on, walk with me a bit, till the tram.

峰塔站出口处的峰值有轨电车。Peak Tower stands at the exit of Peak Tram.

从有轨电车和双层电车上你能看到什么?What can you see from a tram or a double-decker?

时而会有喀拉作响的大型有轨街车轻快地开过。Sometimes a large tram would rattle swiftly past.

电车走过一段长长的道路,穿过破败的郊区。The tram went a long way through the poor suburbs.

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就是穿城而过,我也要比的士或电车快。And I can get across town faster than a taxi or tram.

她想让我陪她走到有轨电车那儿。And she wants me to walk with her as far as the tram.

它的有轨电车系统也是相似的情况。A similar situation also prevailed in its tram service.

您可通过地铁、巴士和电车等交通工具前往市中心。There are metro, bus and tram links into the city centre.

行驶于冲绳县仙人掌公园的环园赏花列车。A rail less tram for tourist used by Cactus Park, Okinawa.

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付了电车费后,她还会剩下整整五先令。She would have five shillings clear after paying tram fare.

我不知道我现在应该乘哪辆电车,所以我和她一起等。I don't know which tram I should get now and I wait with her.

我是在硬挤上已开动的电车时碰伤的。I hurt it the very moment I was getting into the moving tram.