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我可以和凯德说话吗?May I speak to Cade?

你曾经开枪打伤过凯德的腿哩。You did shoot Cade in the leg.

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他可以很容易堕入一杰里科和凯德陷阱。He could easily fall prey to a Jericho & Cade trap.

目前还没有计划是否将在街机上推出。There are no plans, however, for an ar cade release.

那么,咱们到凯德·卡尔佛特家去吃晚饭。Well, let’s go over to Cade Calvert’s and have supper.

把凯德用银盘托着送给我,我也不会要,"思嘉气愤地喊道。"“I wouldn’t have Cade on a silver tray , ” cried Scarlett in fury.

凯德·天行者是阿纳金与卢克·天行者的直系后裔。Cade Skywalker is a direct descendant of Anakin and Luke Skywalker.

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斯塔福德和他的兄弟被杀害,和凯德拖累他们的尸体在伦敦。Stafford and his brother are killed, and Cade drags their bodies to London.

如果你有什么问题,只要打个电话就会有人来接你。If you have had anything , you would been called this cade and someone meet you.

她提请作家如安吉拉戴维斯和托尼凯德班巴拉国家突出。She brought writers such as Angela Davis and Toni Cade Bambara to national prominence.

包括凯德和克佩尔,其实际投资中国的房地产已经增加。Including Cade and Keppel, their actual investment in Chinese real estate has increased.

他们是些好小子,不过,如果你在设法猎取的是,凯德·卡尔弗特,那么,这对我也完全一样。They’re fine lads, but if it’s Cade Calvert you’re setting your cap after, why, ‘tis the same with me.

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凯德在担当雷夫的学徒时纹在身上,并在上面增刻了一个骷髅头,作为自己的私人徽记。Cade added a skull to the tatoo he received under the apprenticeship of Rav, and made the mark his own.

凯德袭击伦敦,狩猎和杀害主萨耶,谁破坏凯德指责英格兰识字。Cade attacks London, hunting for and killing Lord Saye , who Cade accuses of ruining England with literacy.

就是在这样一场斗殴中,斯图尔特·塔尔顿开枪伤了凯德·卡尔弗特,托尼·方丹打伤了布伦特。It was during one of these brawls that Stuart Tarleton had shot Cade Calvert and Tony Fontaine had shot Brent.

我静静地躺着,看着身旁熟睡的小伙子们,我在想,那对孪生兄弟,阿历克斯,还有凯德,他们的想法会跟我一样吗?I lie and look at the boys sleeping near me and I won¬der if the twins or Alex or Cade think these same thoughts.

然而,跟充分利用机器人的能力比起来,凯德更愿意依靠他自己的技能和知识。Rather than put the droid to work in its true capacity, however, Cade chose to rely on his own skills and knowledge.

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耶稣罗伯斯,戴尔拉什和凯德海斯从除尘设计建设设计了在亚利桑那州的3个小家山撤退。Jesus Robles, Dale Rush and Cade Hayes from DUST design build have designed a mountain retreat for a small family of three in Arizona.

物业管理人员对桥上的栏杆都擦得那么认真,可以想象,他们的服务意识较强,服务质量较高。Property managers to bridge railings are Cade earnest, it is conceivable that their strong sense of service, higher quality of service.

我认识的每一个蟹座男人,几乎都是皮鞋擦得雪亮,衬衫和西裤上的线条烫得平平整整的,他们做家事的本领常常比太太高明。I know every crab Block men, almost all of Cade discerning shoes, shirts and trousers on the whole line Tangde average, they are often skills housework than his wife's smart.