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这是一本百科全书。This is an encyclopedia.

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他是一本活百科全书。He is a walking encyclopedia.

想试试这本百科全书吗?Want to try this encyclopedia?

我会参阅百科全书。I will refer to the encyclopedia.

一个图书馆就是一个大百科全书。A library is like an encyclopedia.

我们买了一套多媒体百科全书。We bought a multimedia encyclopedia.

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我想买一本中文百科全书。I want to buy a Chinese encyclopedia.

要是百科全书的话你就无法做到这一点。You can't do this with an encyclopedia.

我已经在百科全书中查到它了。I have looked it up in the encyclopedia.

那本百科全书砰地掉在地板上。The encyclopedia thudded onto the floor.

百科全书式知识的源泉。An encyclopedia is fountain of knowledge.

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我已经在百科全书中查到它了。Eg. I have looked it up in the encyclopedia.

这儿有两卷零散的百科全书。Here are two-odd volumes of an encyclopedia.

这套百科全书已分册出版。The encyclopedia has been published in parts.

你为什么不去查百科全书?Why don't you look it up in the encyclopedia?

他从百科全书中查到了资料。He got his information out of an encyclopedia.

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接下来的一步是创建一个新的百科全书。The next step is to create a new Encyclopedia.

一个在线协作的百科全书。An online collabdominasorover ative encyclopedia.

给你带一本词典还是带一本百科全书来?Shall I bring you a dictionary or an encyclopedia?