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丛簇一绺头发或一''。'撮'。''羽毛。A tuft of hair or feathers.

此突起部分的一丛毛。A tuft of hair on such a projection.

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你有这样的困扰吗,一缕头发总是高高翘起。Got a tuft that's always sticking up?

他头上有一蔟头发,颈上挂着一串念珠,手上也有一串用绳穿起来的珠子。A goat has a tuft of hair on its chin.

再画出它的一绺头发和毛茸茸的眉毛。Give him a tuft of hair and furry eyebrows.

这谆鸟的透顶上有一小簇红色蹬羽毛。The bird has a tuft of red on top of its head.

有形如帽子样簇毛的印度猕猴。Indian macaque with a bonnet-like tuft of hair.

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他可以到小河边去采摘一簇丁香花。He may pitch on some tuft of lilacs over a river.

一簇野花具有深刻的现代主义内涵。A tuft of flowers have deep modernism connotations.

一个人弯下腰去摘缠在锹把上的一缕长草。One bent to pluck from the haft a long tuft of grass.

这只鸟的头顶上有一小簇红色的羽毛。The bird has a tuft of red feathers on top of its head.

王冠就是菠萝顶部的一簇叶子,小傻子。A crown is the tuft of leaves at the top of the pineapple, you dork.

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她用手把遮住她眼睛的一束头发理了理。She combed a tuft of her hair up with her hand, which hooded her eye.

与其他的大猫分歧的是,狮子在其尾巴的结尾有一小簇毛。Unlike other cats, lions have a tuft of hair at the end of their tails.

绛灰色的尾毛形若一个拧紧的死结。The gray-brown tuft of a tail has the screwed-tight appearance of a taut knot.

我开始抚摸我认为是它的脖子的地方,也玩了玩一团不知是它身上哪里的毛。I started to rub what i thought was his neck and playing with a random tuft of fur.

这位瑞士外交官精神抖擞地走进门来,他是个正派人,小个子,愁眉苦脸的,长着一簇红色的山羊胡子。The swiss diplomat entered briskly, a decent, sad little man, with a red tuft of chin beard.

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后院会放只保留顶束叶片的竹子以驱离鬼魂。A bamboo stripped of all but the top tuft of leaves is placed in the yard to scare away ghosts.

使用本系统可进行贴布绣、雕孔绣、亮片绣、植绒绣等。Enable user to do embroidery works like appliqué, bordering, sequins and tuft stitch and so on.

有一匹马在脚上面有一丛草,但是看起来没什么大用处,很随意。One horse has a strategic tuft of grass on one leg which seems to serve no purpose but does no harm either.