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用信心等候。Wait in faith.

但是,那是我的信仰。But it is my faith.

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这信心能救你吗?Can faith save you?

他的信仰是盲目的。His faith is blind.

他持守了他所相信的道。He has kept the faith.

在信仰的师。In faith of confessors.

他们的信仰接受考验。Their faith was tested.

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但是我的信仰是什么?But what about my faith?

与朋友交而不信乎?And without faith friend?

信心可移山。Faith will move mountain.

质高价优,诚信守诺。High quality, good faith.

所以要有信心。So just take it on faith.

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信念可以移山。Faith can remove mountain.

信念可撼山。Faith will move mountains.

我找到了我信念的慰籍。I find my solace in faith.

“天道酬勤”是我的人生信念。"God" is my faith in life.

信心可移山。Faith will move a mountain.

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信仰拉皮德斯有我们的故事。Faith Lapidus has our story.

他是个背信弃义的家伙!He's a guy with Punic faith.

他指责他们不守信用。He accused them of bad faith.